Thursday, March 11, 2010


The temperature is in the 70's, the sun's out in a clear sky, and the windows are up. Curtains blow, and the house is scented with the last, lonely batch of chocolate chip cookies the little girls tired of baking last night. All the wash is done with most on the lines out back, and the little stuff tumbles in the dryer. I rarely put socks, undies and small bits outside to dry. There just isn't room after the lines get crowded with towels, shirts and jeans. :)

Company is delayed as she missed her flight....some glitch with the folks they ordered the tickets from. All is well now, though. She'll be here around dinner-time. (Update...friend having to re-schedule trip. A last-minute glitch. Makes you wonder when a situation is thoroughly prayed over. Hmmm.)

I just got up from a short nap after reading some chapters in a sweet children's book....Eva Ibbotson's book called 'The Beasts of Clawstone Castle'. What a wonderful day to spend the afternoon, especially after getting the house cleaned up for company. I love walking through the house when I'm alone (or almost alone) and seeing it all tidy. Doesn't happen very often, let me tell you.

After awhile, I'll go to my mom's to pick up the kids (only one is here--and that's because he's pet-sitting for a neighbor around the corner), and then will help one daughter put together the Inside-Out Ravioli that we'll have with some homemade slaw.

Good stuff.