Thursday, March 11, 2010

Joy for today

The title for this blog, Contemplative Joy, is so perfect for me. It's not so much a spiritual name, but an inner wrestling I contend with on a daily basis. To seek and find absolute JOY, for me, is something I have to work on. 'Course with eight kids in my face, and a wonderful husband---well, you'd figure out I'd not be so difficult to reach, but you'd be a teensy bit mistaken.

Always, always, always I'm drawn to the things folks do purely for the fun of it. For instance, when my friend, Dotsie, pulls together a beautiful table setting simply for herself and her husband, I'm wowed. When a person buys something for themselves that just makes them smile, that draws my attention as well. I'm such a stick-in-the-mud with my constant working day mentality. My brain is on go to figure out things, get the best deal, remember what we're out of in the house, and twisting things around so that there's enough of this and plenty of that. It's maddening. It's like I'm riding on a mental-type gerbil wheel all the time. I have to force myself off so that I can even begin to think of fun.

Yeah, blogged about this before.

Blog, blog, blog.

Must be my Achilles heel, my weakness that has its roots in something positive...this attitude that has to be dug out and tossed aside. So, on that line of thinking...what's fun today? Picking up oldest daughter's girlfriend from the airport. A wonderful diversion for daughter, especially since she's still experiencing twinges from her *God directed* decision to break up with her boyfriend. Still smarts, but she knows she did the right thing. Glad she'll have a joy-filled weekend. Uh, more fun? Spiffing up the house so that it looks welcoming in its motley and crammed-full manner. Dinner with all of my children present (nobody working tonight), and simply enjoying the meal.

Seems that preparing and sharing food is one of the most precious things we *can* benefit from. Cheers!