Friday, March 12, 2010


There's something about getting all the bills paid that puts a pink glow to the day....well, after that feeling of *oh no* that passes through your mind as the money drifts away. Nah. It's worth it. I still have a jingle in my pocket and my husband is carrying around less of a weight (mental, that is). Yeah, paying bills is sometimes tops in my book of simple pleasures. 'Course this only applies when there's some left over! ;)

I'm reading a book I found in the large print section at the library (hint...the libraries could make a mint if they'd either rent out reading glasses, or sell out right inexpensive pairs to folks like me who forget to carry their reading glasses out of the house)---'The Household Guide to Dying' by Debra Adelaide. Enjoying it immensely. The writer has a knack for making the reader savor her words. I need that, especially with my tendency to rush through tasks. Obviously the main character is dealing with her own mortality, but she mixes in some humor and quirkiness which keeps the story from being too heavy. Hope it keeps up through the end. (Update: enjoyed it up until about a 1/3 of the way in, then it began to drag...the language got a bit, uh, worldly for my taste as well, so I skipped to the very end to see the finish...)

And, saw 'Where the Wild Things Are' last night, and loved it. Such sweetness, and so funny besides. If we watch it enough times, there are sure to be some funny quotes to laugh about. We did that with 'Nemo' which the least one watched about a zillion times. That's my favorite all-time children's movie, but 'Snow White' is on up there as well, and you can't ignore 'Babe'.

Must go now. The vacuum awaits and need to overall tidy the main areas here. With the house clean from our planned, but canceled, company, I want to keep up the charade. Then, tomorrow I take the kids to the museum nearby to see a show with Monet and Matisse. Free before noon...can't beat that.