Monday, March 29, 2010

When feelings get hurt

The least one shared something with me this morning---not a biggie, but something I'd rather not know. She said she overheard her two older sisters talking in the bedroom last night about how I *supposedly* want to spend time with oldest daughter more than I do our middle daughter. Man, I can't win. And honestly, this is one of the big frustrations of mothering many children. Someone's always feeling left out. And no matter how much I try to pay attention, they get upset. Either I misunderstand, or do things that don't set well with them.

Warning to women who want a aware of the tussles you'll face, even when they're out of diapers. You've got to be honest with yourself. It ain't all roses and daisies. And to hear this sort of news first thing in the morning puts a damper on the day. Had to bring it up to middle daughter, who's eleven, and assure her of why it might seem that I prefer the oldest daughter. Has something to do with the fact that she works five days/week, and if we don't leave the house, I never have her to myself. Middle daughter seems not to remember that she went with me on errands just last week.

Must get my head on straight. It'd be easy for this to set the pattern for the day, but I'll try to focus on other stuff. It just hurts my feelings to think that the kids have these conversations while I'm not in the room, including tears, and to find out that I'm the cause.
