Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mid-week stuff

What is it about taking time off and getting SO TIRED in the process? I've cut back on my running around, and still, I'm just dragging around. Was ready to go to bed after dinner, but knew if I did, that I'd be awake far into the night.

Well, if I'm honest, part of my exhaustion has to do with getting school finished up for the season (we take off June/July/August), and graduating one of the boys (this makes 4 kids graduated from our homeschooling here...and yes, I *am* proud!) That in itself is wearing with the fretting over getting the credits all counted and handing in grades, and the mental fits I made for myself. All is well, though. No problems. Figures. I go nuts and things tend to fall into place.
Plus, it's been hot off and on for a few days, though yesterday was rainy and wonderful.

Must be that all this activity I burden myself with has taken its toll. Tomorrow I have nowhere to go, dinner will be whatever is in the house (and that should be an adventure in itself), and am hoping to just be lazy.

It's time.