Monday, May 24, 2010

'Storm Warning' by Billy Graham

Billy Graham's book, Storm Warning, is both encouraging and honest. And the updated edition, from the 1992 first printing is timely, since our present days are so full of angst. There is one quote that I found so relevant:

"We have traded hard times, well, for hard times. We have traded sore backs for disillusioned minds; we have exchanged the love of family and home for cyberfriends and living in constant motion that robs the soul from memories---and perhaps from that still, small voice that longs to be heard."--page 177

The main focus of the book is to, yes, call attention to world events, but not at the expense of listening to God's calming voice. I appreciate that Dr. Graham weaves the story of salvation throughout the book, and he never apologizes for it, which is wonderful. For those who feel overwhelmed with what the morning paper throws at us, this book is a breath of fresh air. To be reminded that God is in control of what happens is very reassuring, and this book does not disappoint in providing that to the reader.

(I'm a member of Thomas Nelson's blogger book review program called BookSneeze. More information can be found at their website.)