Monday, May 17, 2010

My alter ego

Yeah, I'm feelin' pretty smug. Have got a dance lesson tonight after dinner (clearing throat and dusting off my fingernails on my shoulders) hence the title at the top of the blog post about my *alter ego*. The thing is, I enjoyed myself so much on Friday when oldest daughter and I went for HER to try out the dance class. Figured I was pretty smart, sitting there just watching, not realizing that the dance instructors would very easily (I might add) convince me to play too.

And it's so cool. The women instructors wear dresses and the men wear dress clothes including ties. And know what I like the best? and this might sound corny, but it's when the dance is finished and the dance partner tucks the woman's hand in his arm and walks her back to her seat.

Very courtly. And it *is* ballroom dancing, afterall.

And me, one of the most introverted people I know, throwing off inhibitions and waltzing around. I've found myself standing up a little straighter and feeling a bit better about myself since then. Forget the fact that I need to lose weight or upgrade my wardrobe. Didn't even feel like a mom while I was there, though that's what the dance instructors good-naturedly called me, *Mom*---well, being that I was one of the oldest women there---it was okay! Still, I felt girlish and happy. Can't put a price tag on that, can you?

Oh, and one more a personal happy to yourselves, look at the cupcakes *here*. Total cuteness.