The private dance class was fun last night. Well, that's sort of an understatement. Oldest daughter and I each had our own teachers, and for a time, it was only the four of us on the dance floor. We did the rumba, foxtrot, waltz and tango, and I am partial to a pretty waltz. Such a change from regular life for me. I'm used to doing mom-sorts-of-things, and this is a far stretch from that. And it's a bit out of my comfort zone, being surrounded by mirrors on every side, being forced to be in tune with my body and what its doing, when usually I tend to stuff thoughts of my own needs/desires aside. Not that I'm trying to sound like a martyr, but my goodness, ballroom dancing is a far cry from vacuuming and making dinner every night.
I'm learning.
In the meantime, trying to figure out in my head where to go with this. For the small (and I mean small) payment we both made on Friday, we received the time there on Friday night, plus 2 private lessons (the second one being tonight). Now I have to scratch my head for awhile and decide how committed I want to be with this both in a financial sense and time-wise.
Guess I'll pray about it and see what the Lord would have me do. Sometimes I'm sorta slow in realizing that He's got it all figured out ahead of time.
I'm learning.
In the meantime, trying to figure out in my head where to go with this. For the small (and I mean small) payment we both made on Friday, we received the time there on Friday night, plus 2 private lessons (the second one being tonight). Now I have to scratch my head for awhile and decide how committed I want to be with this both in a financial sense and time-wise.
Guess I'll pray about it and see what the Lord would have me do. Sometimes I'm sorta slow in realizing that He's got it all figured out ahead of time.