Thursday, November 18, 2010

A quiet Thursday

Two of the kids have caught second son's cold (who's already recovered), and are hold up in their beds. One is a bit irritated about it, and the other one is weepy. Funny how differently they react to something so simple. But honestly, I'm a parent who doesn't dread the kids getting mildly sick. It slows the house down just enough so that we all get rested. And I showed incredible wisdom on renting 'A Christmas Carole' with Jim Carrey in it. Will watch that today and maybe bake something tea-party-worthy as well.

The world's been spinning a bit too quickly to suit me and don't even get me started on the current news that's out there. My goodness. I'll just duck my head in the sand a day or two until the madness settles a bit. Besides I'm so enjoying my new library book, 'The Distant Hours'. Total dishy-ness.

Take care, sweet ones.