Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New ways with manna

I'll tell you---blogging at a new site with a new screen view sure does feel odd. Had gotten so that Blogger felt comfortable, but it's good to be stimulated in a new way, I guess. Life does get to feeling full of ruts that have to be jumped over. I like new stuff!

And am still thinking about a lunch Gary and I went to on Friday---this with a customer who lives out in the country, about 20 minutes from his shop. He was making a delivery---well, giving them a guitar stand he'd made to say thank you for being such dishy customers. And in an interesting twist, they're wildly wealthy (way out of our comfort zone of income), and are just wonderful people besides. What was going to be the two of us making the drive and a quick drop-off, turned into a baked chicken lunch. Gary wanted me to see their house (they're the ones who ordered the grandfather clock case he'd finished recently), so I was geared up to hop out of the truck, breeze through the house and go back home. When he called the lady of the house on Friday morning, she said that we just had to eat lunch with them. I loved it. And she sent us home with a pan of brownies, and a quart container of raspberry jam for everybody else in our house.

Now to get into a birthday mindset. Gary has his day tomorrow, and will wait to see who pays us before I go shopping. Back to manna living in our house, not that I like it, but it's the way of it. I'll admit to being a bit testy, but still open to how the Lord nudges folks. Still, we're having to be slow pay on a bill of our own, and it does put things in their proper perspective. Life's a bit pinchy for lots of folks, and we have plenty of company. But thankfully, in the midst of all of this, there's work in the shop and the above-mentioned lady has a bureau she's wanting. It'll all work out. Always does.