It's raining again...a glorious day, and I'm tucked in bed for a few minutes before getting up for real. Oldest daughter took care of dog duty this morning, so I was able to actually sleep in. Am achy, so must've relaxed beyond what's normal and my body must've said, "ahhhh!" There's been tension tucked up in there somewhere, and guess it got out during the night, eh?
Oldest son gave Gary some cash last week, for us to go to dinner (this was more of his birthday goodness). Not quite sure what we'll do, but G. said that tonight was the night. Considering picking up some Chinese take-out and bringing it home. We've been watching Stargate movies on iTunes (he got an iTunes giftcard for his birthday as well), so might watch the last one while we stuff ourselves. Or might eat out. G. mentioned that since I rarely get out anyhow, that we might do that instead.'ll be a nice change (must work into an excited mood, since I sound a bit too mild in talking about a date night).
For now though, will get it in gear and put in a third load of wash while I teach these kids something. Needless to say, won't be drying anything outside today. But it's cozy inside, even though we're only turning on the heater occasionally. Not quite ready to have the utility bill soar just yet. Besides, a house full of 4 dogs and assorted children does warm up all by itself, you know?
Remember to take time today.