Friday afternoon
- it appears bills will get paid before month's end, or soon thereafter
- ::sigh::
- those of you with regular salaries coming in---be thankful, and don't ever take it for granted (as i've told you before)
- not knowing how to juggle can be exhausting
- probably partly to blame for my health issues
- constant draws on adrenal glands/thyroid not beneficial
- turning off brain this weekend
- feels like saturday today with the neighborhood kids out and about
- lots of traffic when i was running errands, but now i'm
- simmering spaghetti sauce and bread's rising
- might watch a movie later on
- gary's working in the shop on a vapor for a woman online
- she's sorta flirty with him via email
- huh to that!
- windows open and lovely breezes flowing in
- chickens happy
- but daisy the pug tried to chase down chicken anastasia when said bird got loose in the backyard
- daisy tried to do the front paw slap on her
- chicken oblivious, but that's their way
- chickens aren't too bright
- guess they qualify as walking food items
- and man, can they eat
- that's really all they do
- i lie, they poop all the time too
- very swift digestion systems
- eat, eat, eat
- poop, poop, poop
- they've acquired a healthy appetite for chopped green pepper
- cooked white rice is another favorite
- thankfully they seem to be satisfied with very little food variation, and are amazingly affectionate
- chickens....can you believe we have 5 chickens? i'm still shaking my head
- 2 youngest girls have their eyes on some chicks we saw at the feed store called 'silkies'
- gary's also smitten
- they look like they have on yellow top hats
- good grief
- i personally think they look like french poodles in bird form
- i think we're limited to 6-7 chickens in town
- can't have roosters, though
- not a problem with me....a feathered alarm clock i don't require
- gary has a friend online (not flirty chick) who sits in a lawn chair outside, and her chickens will hop up in her lap...even try to drink her coffee out of a mug
- like i said, they'll eat anything
- madelyn the chicken is friendly like that with me...not the coffee part, but the lap-sitting part
- but we don't have any lawn chairs
- an overturned plastic bucket will have to do for now
- must go and stir the sauce
- take care everybody