The chicken coop build is underway. Gary's brought home over a series of days lots of scavenged wood, roofing, etc. And he had a unique double shutter at the shop that's now here as well. It came from a client who wanted it repaired, didn't want to pay for the fix, and left it for Gary to toss out. Well, he didn't, repaired it anyway, and now will serve as a clever type of ventilation, and will add an antique flavor to the chicken house.
We're having to deal with what appears to be a raccoon who's curious in our backyard, though. We've found some things upset in the yard, things moved or turned over and have to wonder if it smells the chickens from when we've taken them outside. Eeewww. Don't like to think of that. Raccoons do get a bit desperate when they want what they want. I wrote a couple of years ago about an albino raccoon that actually clawed its way into our attic, ripping though the shingles and everything underneath until it was inside. Those claws must be amazing.
Anyway, Gary's fortifying the coop, and even put a screw-type barrier on the side against the wooden fence. Guess they won't claw through that. The benefit of having a rooster on guard, is that they warn the hens when trouble's about. Alone, the hens are a bit helpless. And sadly, we can't have a rooster in the city here. So, you build them a fortress.
Looking forward to a quiet tomorrow. Second son will grill, Gary will continue on the coop build, and I'll try to get my head into Summer-time mode. Hope you can do the same. Now must go play with the chickens in the kitchen...our evening routine.