Sunday, May 19, 2013

What about that brain fog?

So, for quite awhile now I've felt what they call 'brain fog' and it seems to be a symptom of hypothyroidism.  While I'm not experiencing weight gain lately, I do need to lose weight, but, pretty much, blame eight children for that.  I have a slow heartbeat, not too slow, but on the lowest rung of what's acceptable.  Lowered basal body temperature? Yessiree.

My mom had a goiter when she was a child, and eventually she responded to treatment, so it went away.  I think she was very young when this of the family tales.

Anyway, I've suspected this being a problem of mine for awhile, but the symptoms have increased in this new year.  Not sure why, but I'm grateful to find some help online in diagnosing and some treatments that, so far for me, are working---slowly but surely. The fog is lifting, but not all at once.  I have moments of enlightenment, but not as much as I hope to have.  I've mentioned before here about how I'll have wisps of feeling myself, but as soon as it happens, it slips away.  Brain fog is so apt a term.

Even this morning when I was helping out in the least one's Sunday School, the other teacher (who is a really good friend), said something and I had a glimpse of the real me. There was a moment of clarity.  So odd, but so familiar a feeling.  Then it's gone.

Seems diet is key with gluten being a no-no.  Huh.  No cake.  And no white foods like rice and pasta.  No sugar.  No cake, and I do love cake.  Trying to find some humor in a vaguely trying situation.  Thing is, I feel better when I don't eat bread, etc.  Seems to weigh me down.  Literally.  And I found last night that a hamburger is just fine with lettuce acting in as a bun.  Delish indeed.  And honestly, I think that reducing/eliminating flour will be a great tool in a natural sort of weight loss.  If I'm getting away from gluten for my thyroid, maybe it won't be so insulting to me.  Being on an official diet is such a drag.  Maybe this attitude adjustment will be beneficial.  I do want to feel better.  Am I willing to limit what sorts of foods I eat in order to improve my mental health.  Darn tootin'.

I like the way that taking care is important.  Stress is an irritant with thyroid dysfunction, and I do stress very well.  You might say I'm an expert at it.  Aren't we all?

So, if you've noticed that I've been in a draggy mood more often than not, maybe this is the reason.  I'd like to think so, and that I'm on the right track.  We'll see.