Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday afternooon

Last night fourth son and I ran errands including a trip to the store so I'd not have that chore today.  So love it when I do that.  So, for that brilliant move I've been able to stay home all day.  Dress like a gypsy and be lazy.  And the sun came out for a couple of hours earlier, which was a real treat.  We've had LOTS OF RAIN, really more than in ages and ages.  Drenched.  The backyard is a squelchy mess.  The route from the backdoor to the clotheslines is wet enough to suck the shoes right off your feet, and I wear clogs most of the time.  A couple of dry days would be nice.

As it is, I did hang out some sheets which I'll have to go back out to grab in a minute. More rain coming.  And I cut some pink azalea branches, roses, pansies, violas, dianthus and chocolate mint.  The mint is being taken over by the black-eyed Susans, and I'm going to root what I picked today.  Put it in a pot later on.

And the chickens are well.  They got chilly yesterday afternoon, so had to turn on their heat lamp again (as I have today).  I picked up Piglet, since she looked uncomfortable, and she just snuggled right in the crook of my neck.  They go to sleep so quickly when you cozy them next to you.

Now will rest for a bit.  Tuna casserole for dinner, chocolate chip cookies to bake and a house to tidy up just a smidgen.  Laying low.  Gary's at work, oldest daughter is out with sweet Indian boyfriend (hence the bit of tidying to do for later), 2 sons at the restaurant, middle daughter recovering from an infection, and the rest of the bunch here taking it easy.  Restful.  Will watch a movie with Gary after dinner, and church to plan for clothes-wise.  All good.