Having a bit of quiet in bed with my tea before the whole house gets up. It's later than some folks wake, but l guess that's one of the perks of homeschooling. We get it done, just at different hours than the world at large.
I've been thinking more lately on how rushed we all are, and trying to get a handle on slowing down. I wonder sometimes at all the fuss we make about education and advancement in the business world, and all the while we're drowning in busyness. While I realize that learning is necessary to avoid being a total idiot, there's not a balance in how we feed our spirits. It's all head knowledge, without the heart.
Speaking of the heart---I have a thing about eating out. I love it. Eating what others prepare is a delight to me. But sometimes you can tell when there's no love in the food. Some restaurants are popular for their varied menu, but it's sad when the meals are rote, and not presented in a caring manner. Maybe I ask for too much. It needs to have the love. And that takes time, time we don't seem willing to spare.
When Gary and I went out Saturday night to shop for oldest daughter's birthday (which is today--she's 26), we sat in the truck in the store parking lot for a few minutes looking at the sky. It was brilliant---all orange and purple. Really stunning. And we watched the crowd leave the store, never looking up, but just focused on getting to their cars. They really were missing out.
The Frederick Buechner quote today on FB was about 'seeing everything for the very last time' and is so beautiful. We dash through the day and don't stop. His reminder is to see Grace in the tiny bits.
Well, the chickens are squawking. Must attend to them, but slowly. Which is the way you manage chickens anyway. No quick movements---just gentle interference. Enjoy your day.