Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A jumbled mind

Lesley at Wisteria & Sunshine talks from time to time about keeping a Day Book, but that's something I've never done, and actually, don't have a clue as to how to begin.  Her explanations are clear, but maybe too much linear thinking on my part causes me to hit a snag. I over-think the particulars, fearing I'll do it wrong, and need to remember that (my goodness) this is just for me so what's all the fuss about? I do, though, love her quiet and peaceable ways.  Very soothing.

Welcome to my mind.  On to other things.

Grounded myself with some prayer and today's reading in the Psalms.  I tend to require some mental 'grabbing of my shoulders and giving me a shake' from time to time, and really stopped this morning and did just that.  The kids are always going every which-a-way, and that must rattle me more than I care to admit.

For example, just this week:  Oldest daughter received a promise/pre-engagement ring from sweet Indian boyfriend last night (pause to say "awww" really is sweet), Gary's been tearing into the wiring for our Internet/t.v. to fix a snag (thankfully done), 3 birthdays in the space of eleven days, keeping the house clean, schoolwork (heavy on the math), going over things with third son to re-take the military test in a week or so, and me needing oh-so-badly to turn off the busy focus and just relax and create.

When I get up from here will vacuum and dust the living room, and then take out my fun supplies.  I tend to be a believer in getting the muck done first, then playing.  Trouble is---in this house, the muck tends to be huge and the playing is pushed to the side because exhaustion sets in.  Hard to find a balance.

Now she's off.............