Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Eve

It's already been a thankful week of sorts with an over-an-hour-long conversation with my brother in Louisiana on the phone.  Mostly talked about Mom and plans, still in the dark. But it was good and healthy to clear the air. Lotsa that going 'round these parts. And at 11am will go to the hospital for a meeting with the Social Worker and Therapists to see how Mom's progressing. Hope to get even a bit of an idea about the next step. Oldest brother had a conflict of plans, so it'll just be Gary and me....that's okay. I think. Truly, that's likely the way this will fly anyhow. Might as well admit that.

And when I get back home, plan on turning off my brain and focusing on pies, tidying and just the day. I need that relief of routine and ordinariness to settle me down.

Praying for two bids that are out for beds folks want built. The changepurse is about empty again, and these jobs would see us through Christmas.

Hope your day is sweet....we're seeing sunshine for the first time in days. Glorious. Take care and enjoy the day.