Wednesday, February 5, 2014

This and that

~the one with glasses writing
I miss our boy today.  Had gotten discouraged Monday, considering the Facebook page for his Basic Training hadn't updated the photos over the weekend.  Seeing fresh ones yesterday afternoon was glorious. And seeing the kids/and not so kids smiling as they did their stuff was encouraging.  Maybe they're finding their places there---less overwhelmed.  Gosh, I miss Joseph.  I want to get my arms around him and hug him.  Watch him sleep and feed him up.  Next month we'll see him!  He graduates mid-March, and some of us will go.  He'll then leave for 2 months more training, but the break of getting to see him will be a joy.

And my mom will get out of her Rehab. next month as well---likely the week before we leave.  My brothers will have to step up to the plate a bit more then, for sure. The brother who lives just out of town has been sweet, though.  He paid her deductible, and he drives 30 minutes or so after he leaves work to visit her Tuesday through Saturday, without fail.  Funny, but we all have the roles we play.  I pay her bills, handle all her paperwork, check on her house, do her laundry and visit twice a week. My out-of-town in Louisiana brother sends her money once a month, and calls her to let her cry and unload.  Put us all together in one jar and shake us up and you'd have a pretty neat person. :)  And while my care for her is more detail-oriented, I couldn't do what my brothers do.  I'm not willing to listen to her sadness (just can't handle it), don't have the emotional ability to visit daily, and can't afford to pay her bills.  Guess I'm sort of her secretary, mmmm?

Anyway, will be interesting to see how things fly next month.  But we're not there yet. I'm just doing February. And, btw, we've been married 31 years today.  Waytogo us.