Friday, February 28, 2014

Major vent

  • brother emailed me from out of town late yesterday and said mom gets discharged on march 11th
  • he found out when he talked to her yesterday
  • news to me
  • lengthy conversation with gary last night about all of it
  • had to calm myself since i thought we had an additional week--i was thinking she'd be out the 17th or so
  • it's just a week early, but march will be BUSY
  • that's likely the week we'll reschedule daisy's surgery
  • don't like surprises like this, especially out of the blue
  • mom called today to ask for a friend's phone number
  • this particular friend of hers (honestly, an annoying person in my  controlling type), said she wanted to be available to take mom home when she gets out
  • huh?
  • mom tells me on the phone she wants this friend's number because she has something to tell her
  • mom's gentleman friend saw mom today and said she needed to call her friend and share (the big mystery)
  • my mother never lets on to me that she gets out on march 11th, sounding while she talked like a child who's keeping a secret---the very same tone---parents, you know the way they sound
  • the thing is---she doesn't know my brother told me
  • AND, gary still wants mom here
  • re-do the dining room for her?
  • actually, last night this sounded slightly sane to me--today, not so much
  • friends/acquaintances who've done this advise against it
  • gary wants her to come here directly from rehab
  • i want her to go to her house first, esp. since she's not been home since early november
  • oh, and also, this brother initially told me on the phone this week that his wife/daughter will come early to get mom's house ready for her---not sure what that means, but okay
  • then he'd be here when we go to joseph's graduation
  • now he's backpedaled, and they'll all just be here for graduation week
  • no help in moving her cable, have exterminator in, blah-blah-blah
  • must talk to oldest brother, and discuss options---none good
  • it's here and we've got to deal with it, no matter
  • told gary having her in rehab has been sort of like the honeymoon period---now the real marriage takes place
  • trying to make it a blessing in my heart, but all i can see is work---and a LOT of it
  • just ate a whole pint of ben & jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream---apparently that's my coping strategy--carefully now, or i'll end up being huge!