Friday, April 4, 2014

After the rain

*Still in bed after drinking my tea.  Chickens making racket in backyard under my window, and I'm thinking they're vying for the choice spots in the hen house for egg-laying.  They can be so fussy.

*Violet the Pug had a seizure yesterday morning before Gary left for work (never happened before), but she seemed fine afterward.  He and I both had the same thought that the chicken poo she seems to relish in had a toxic effect.  Google dog seizures and poisoning ranks up at the top.  Apparently the high phosphorus content in it can be dangerous, though you can also read that dogs eat it all the time (I know, right?) and aren't affected.  We have a full-time job cleaning up after the hens, and Gary says as soon as he's able, he'll fence them in.  Violet has turned into a poo-eating Pug extraordinaire.  Makes me nervous, just the inkling in the back of my head that it'll happen again.  I was having my tea with her in my lap after Gary left for work yesterday and she was asleep and began to dream and run in her sleep.  My adrenaline went whoosh, then I realized she was fine.  Dang. the drama in this house.

*And on the heels of my uncle passing away 2 weeks ago, my aunt (his wife---my mom's sister) fell last night while out at dinner and has a brain bleed.  Seriously?

*But in the midst of all the stuff that's going on, God is still taking care of things.  His Grace washes over even the rough places, and I feel that more now than ever.  Some days feel blessed before I get up and going. Just today, and you might think this sounds silly, but the termite man was scheduled to come today. Gary was showering at about 8:15am, and I was still in bed, wondering when the guy would come.  Knew I had to get up and get dressed. Well, he came as Gary was heading out the door.  I didn't have to do a thing. I believe even that was a God-orchestrated blessing.  He knows it jazzes me not knowing when the guy will come, putting away chickens, opening gate, signing the receipt, just being available.  Not a big deal, but one thing less I have to do.  See...I get anxious about the simplest things, even the termite guy, and God knows that.  Isn't that incredible that He cares about even that?