Got out the embroidery that's been sitting in my red glass bowl on the side table (bowl courtesy of Gary going dumpster diving a few years back), and did a square for the Pugs. Had forgotten how satisfying that a needle and thread is in my hand. Soothing. I realize that's not the way with everyone, but it seems to work for me.
And with today being very busy, with the three youngest going out with me all day, it's nice to think of sitting and stitching some more tomorrow.
Hauled the kids to a library a distance away, just to get out of our regular stomping ground. Then got home to rest and eat a sandwich for about 30 minutes before it was time to go pick up fourth son at work. Then to the store for my mom, then to her house to deliver things, then Gary came by to get us back home (after borrowing my mom's car). So extraordinarily glad to be back here. Deliriously happy. Thinking with a few groceries now in the house again that tomorrow will be spent totally at home. Not a step off of our property. I don't think I could bear it. Might just explode if someone makes me leave. Don't even try.
See, I enjoy being home with little variance. Home is good. Tease me with an every-so-often visit to a bookstore, and I'm fine for a looooong time.
Besides, as I've said, going to my mom's sort of wigs me out. Now that she has groceries as well, we probably won't be back to her house until Saturday. She'll have therapists tomorrow, and one brother will take her dinner on Friday. That means freedom for me for two whole days. Cause for celebration, I'm thinking.
Besides, I've got a book to finish reading to review---Myquillyn Smith's book called The Nesting Place, and am reading Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way---curious about her take on creative usage of time, and will begin tomorrow writing 3 "morning pages" as she calls them. Words to get out of our heads before the day begins. A purge for the head, I reckon. And I got my head into a library book for awhile as well, and it's called Starting from Scratch by Susan Gilbert-Collins. So far, so good.
The kids already have their assignments for schoolwork tomorrow, so I'm free to do as I like. Delicious.