Monday, April 28, 2014

My scattered thoughts...

Rattled today.  It rained all day yesterday, which was so restful, but woke up this morning to very heavy wind.  And as I was hearing the tornado siren, the wind changed and began to sound just plain odd.  It sounded wrong, plus the sky was light green.  Not a good thing to see when a tornado siren is blaring. Found out a bit later that a tornado had been spotted going to the NE, and it's very possible the sound we heard was the edge of that.  Unsettling for sure.  At the time I was unaware of the damage and lives lost in Arkansas to our west.  Too much bad news.

Then Gary's truck wouldn't start, and it turns out his distributor was full of water from the rain.  He fixed it later on.  Also got a call from Joseph and he's been the target of a prank at the Base.  Just nonsense, but it makes me anxious.  Glad he'll be done there at the end of May, but still, that's a few weeks away.  And his birthday is tomorrow (Tuesday) and I've never been separated from my children on their birthdays. Darn it.

Sometimes life is too full of uncertainties, and with daily (or almost daily) strange conversations with my mom, the weather today, plus Joseph's struggles, I'm a bit overdone.

I believe some hand-sewing is in order for tomorrow.  The clouds should have blown away by then, and maybe the day can be peaceful.