Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Feeling settled

I feel content.  Deeply content.  House note paid, utility bill paid, food in the house for 2 days, and that about covers it.

Church services on Thursday, also on Friday (which we won't attend, because I can only do so much), a dinner there on Saturday night after our Easter vigil, and of course Sunday's Easter celebration.  The least one's birthday is on Saturday as well, and since she wants to go to the dinner Sat. night, we'll have her birthday dinner on Sunday.  Can you keep up with all of that? I'm making fried chicken, which I will only do about twice a year, if that.  It's an event. :)

And in a minute will shut down the laptop and clean up some strawberries I bought late this afternoon---two quarts for a buck.  Can't beat that.

But I feel good, truly like the cat who got the cream.  Life is hard, but as Gary says, it's still good.

Take care, my loves.