Friday, October 16, 2015

'The Homemade Kitchen' by Alana Chernila

Back when I got married, thirty-two years ago, there were standard books given as wedding presents.  I'm remembering Joy of Cooking and Betty Crocker, both of which I still use even though they look pitiful with age.  Alana Chernila has written such a gorgeous and full-of-information cookbook with The Homemade Kitchen, brimming with photographs, that I'd say her book should fill the shoes of the new perfect wedding gift.  

She not only shares recipes for foods I've never used before:  kefir, tofu, or mizo, but she includes old standards as well.  Maybe you want to make animal crackers, or little fish cheese crackers.  She has recipes that encourage using leftovers and always, always she enjoys her preparing her meals.  There's love in her food.  And never a hint of pressure---it's all about enjoyment and feeding.

I truly love this book.  One review likened her to Laurie Colwin, whose book Home Cooking is a classic in the style of conversational cookbooks.  Tell me a story and give me a recipe.  Lovely.

I heartily recommend this book.  Adore it.

(i received this book free to review from blogging for books)