Monday, October 26, 2015

Rainy Monday night

Woke up a bit later than usual, with needing more sleep after yesterday's busyness.  I forget how important a good night's sleep really is to me.  So easy to stay up too late, and get up before necessary.  Seems the whole weekend was spent with one activity after another.

Today's been so sweet, though.  Got up at ten (gasp), had my tea with the Pugs in my lap.  Talk about jockeying for position.  Cleaned the kitchen of all the dishes that had piled up with baking for the dinner at church and just being lazy.  Sinks clogged.  Poured boiling water in them followed by baking soda and white vinegar, and more boiling water.  One good glug with the rubber whatchamacallit and the clog was gone.  Sometimes this requires a male figure to get on the roof to run the garden hose into the water access pipe that sticks out the roof.  Do-it-yourselfers.  That's us, like it or not.

Dusted, vacuumed, generally tidied up the main rooms.  Beat the least one to it, and she's amazing at being tidy, but sometimes I want to re-arrange and straighten.  I find it mentally settling.  Gives me focus.

Had a brief school session with the girls and then went grocery shopping for Mom and us.   Had heard that Tropical Storm Patricia would impact our weather this evening and wanted to get a jump on it.  Well.  It's raining as it has been for a couple of days.  Glorious.  But while we've had hurricane rain before (it just looks different), this seems ordinary.  Still, I find it wild that a hurricane that began in the Pacific Ocean and traveled clear across Mexico could end up in Tennessee.  Loving the rain though.  The trees are going, "Ahhhhh.  Delicious."

Anyway, I say all that to say:  This has been a wonderful day.  Have made it a practice to read our morning selection of Psalms from the Book of Common Prayer out loud. I think that the words need to be heard by our house.  And by any spirits that lurk and aren't welcome.  Since the Bible is living, it sheds life over everything that hears it.  I feel blessed afterward, and I think our home does as well.  
After we got home from the store, I burned some incense from church too.  Just trying to keep on top of it.