Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saturday night

I feel in the midst of God's favor just now. Things are lining up.  And it's not about what I want, but what the Lord wants for me.  I came back this afternoon after lunch with one son and could hear Him tell me that I'm right where He wants me to be.  I know.  I can feel it.

Our son and I were able to talk about everything.  Everything.  Our visit was full of love, which I needed to give him.  To let him know we're not rejecting him, but don't agree with his lifestyle, and he knows that.  That it's just plain hard.  And it's not about agreeing to disagree, but to be a mom.  Regardless.

And funny show how the Lord seemed to be smiling on me.  We went to the dollar store, and I found two products I usually pay full-price for elsewhere.  I got several.  Never have I seen them there...sort of upper class stuff, which was odd.  Plus, our neighbor brought me a new pair of purple patent leather Nine West flats (free) right after I got home.  Just because.

But. I. Am. Whupped.  Emotionally beat.

Here's the thing.  I don't believe the Lord wants us with our knickers all twisted up.  But when our kids live in a way contrary to their upbringing, it's devastatingly hard.  I envy moms whose kids are all believers and live in a traditional manner.  I really do.  Be thankful, and don't take it for granted.

But here's a quote that just fits:  "I don't think God puts us in situations we are not built for.  He puts us in places that are just right for us."~Lisa Bogart

Think on that.  Don't have to like where I am, but do have to relinquish my hold on what I think I deserve.  And when letting go happens, maybe the blessing part follows.  Seems sort of like it.  When my heels are dug in, ain't nothin' good gonna happen.

The clay in the Potter's Hands has to be wet, not hard.  Hard clay just breaks.  And softness of heart isn't achieved easily, least not in my case.

Take care.  Enjoy your Sunday.  :)

(listening to Ceasefire by For King & Country)