Friday, October 23, 2015

Yes, I needed more books. Whaddaya think?

Library booksale.  The top book is a little Presbyterian Prayer Book, very much like our Book of Common Prayer.  Very sweet.  And the tan book in the middle is called The School for Wives by Andre Gide.  1929 with rough-cut pages   Not sure about it, but I stuck my face in the middle of it and the wonderful old book smell sold me.  Most excited about two hardback copies of Peter Marshall's (A Man Called Peter and Mr.Jones, Meet the Master) for oldest daughter and the Betty Crocker cookbook, 1950, which looks in perfect condition.  Over sixty years old.  How can that possibly be?  Guess the owner didn't cook.

Got the least one the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, which she's about to read, after she's finished The Hobbit.  Son got some Tolkien and middle daughter a few Ted Dekker's.

* * *

Our only snafu in life is the hot water heater that began to leak on Wednesday night.  We'll have to wait until sometime next week to replace it, so we're roughing it with heated up bowls of hot water to wash with.  Actually, it reminds me of when the power is out.  There's something about simplifying, even in an inconvenient way that is restful to me.  Go figure.

Sadly our hot water heater is in the attic, so the light fixture in the hall was full of water (I know, I know), and oldest daughter's closet got wet.  All is well now, however.  At least no lasting water damage.  The real challenge will be my husband and various boys being called to help him put in a new one, when the time comes.  Those things are heavy as sin.

But today is good.  Rain is coming, and we've not had a decent shower in over a month.  It's time.  And the weekend.  A restful one, I hope.  Can't replace the busted hot water heater yet, which is fine, and what you can't fix, don't worry about.  In time.  It'll all get done in time.

Take care and enjoy the rest of your day. :)