Today is one of those days I want to attempt to live more in the mindset of a Luddite (one who resists technology, etc). I have a few books on hold at the library, two of them are ones by Mary Randolph Carter, who takes wonderful photos which celebrate the old and worn. A personal mindset lately as I look at our house with new eyes. Old and worn. Yes, indeed. Technology reminds me of the benefits of the perfect and sleek, which I'm not and don't live in at present.
Banged up house trim, kitchen drawers that close only with a waggle, and drafty windows. This is my life, and it's one that suits me. Candles that warm up dark corners, drawn curtains in the evenings, and the curls of smoke from a hot cup of tea are settling, and very fitting for older houses.
I want to breathe deeply and just relax. The holidays loom, with Thanksgiving only a week away, and many things yet to buy. Making do with less in order to have the money to go around. But it's do-able. Have to focus on the comfort and chores of just this day, and avoid borrowing trouble.
One thing that seems to work for me is to keep busy for, say 20-30 minutes, then sit down. Think about it and get up again after a few minutes. On and off. Work and rest. Keeping a rapid pace just doesn't work for me, making me overtired before the job is done.
After getting our schoolwork done today the younger girls and I will get some groceries. Just a few. Just enough for a day or two. Easy dinners. Cream for my tea (which I had to do without this morning, making me very sad), bread, makings for pizza now that the oven is fixed, maybe some soup.
Quiet thoughts in the midst of the bustle which you can feel when you shop. I won't give in. I won't give in. At least not yet.