Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A bookish Wednesday

What a nice day. I'd planned on taking the kids to a branch of the library we'd not been to, and was pleasantly surprised when we got there. This particular one is brand, spankin' new and was such a treat. The books are all clean and shiny and, as a result of our trip, everyone has had their heads in either, books on CD (the youngest ones), or in books themselves. Me included. This is the best sort of day. And since we didn't do school this morning (two boys had a yard to rake), the afternoon has been wonderfully relaxing.

I feel refreshed. I have my own pile---love that, and this feeling of relaxation is too good to be true.

As to thankfulness today, I'm going to keep up my list. Today I'm grateful for:
  • vegetable soup on back of the stove made up of bits and pieces, and smelling cozy-like
  • my husband sounding peaceful when we chatted on the phone earlier
  • a quiet evening to look forward to
  • simply feeling rested and more myself
  • sweet Pugs who will drape themselves over my lap and snooze while I read after dinner
  • a warm house, and new furnace filters, since it's going to get darn cold this evening and the next
Guess I'll wrap it up with that. Now that it's winding into 4:30pm, it's time to run through the house and tidy up. I love turning on the outside lights, vacuuming and dusting, and all-around straightening up before Gary gets here. Just seems appropriate that he comes into the house with it looking moderately reasonable. :) Won't be a palace, but it's home, and that'll definitely do.