Thursday, January 8, 2009

Computer issues

Spent an inordinate amount of time both last night and this morning trying to figure out why my laptop had been running so slowly. I hunted out suspicious files, deleted and pulled out my hair. Then oldest son got up this morning, I briefly told him the problem and in a few words he recommended that I restore the computer. I had visions just previous to that of getting out the original back-up disks I'd made when the computer was new. Was fretting over the idea of saving files. Wish he'd gotten up earlier. :) Just now, within a half-hour's time, I restored it to what it was a few days ago, and now it's working fine.

Kids. Sometimes, well many times, they know way more than I do. I'll admit it.

In the meantime, I've warned the two boys who use this laptop to check their email and surf a bit, to not go wandering off too far into Internet-land. Besides it being iffy, I'm not sure which one of us picked up the problem. We do download plenty of music, but even so, everything that comes into this computer is scanned. Guess you still can't be too careful.

I would issue a warning, however, to anyone who uses Tr*nd Micro freeware. That caused a major snafu with me last night when I loaded it, and this morning when it wouldn't uninstall, and I'll not go back. But oldest son uses their anti-virus software that he bought, and hasn't had one problem at all.

Go figure.