Monday, January 5, 2009

My Monday

Time to wind up the day. I had errands to run earlier this afternoon, and that always takes a chunk of time that I'd rather not share with the outside world. Took the older kids (four of 'em) to the drugstore, then the grocery, and we ended up at the library for a quick browse. After a tiny nap (much too teensy), I got a call from a neighbor who had to hurry her baby to the doctor. I stayed at their house with their five-year-old daughter, who was asleep the whole time, so required no effort at all on my part! Then, came back and made chicken pot pie with two of the girls. After chasing the vacuum around the living room and tidying up a bit, I ended the evening with updating my website, which was sorely in need of a facelift. Much better, thanks to Ivy's Graphics....her work is so dishy.

Tomorrow I hope to stay at home the whole, entire day. School in the morning and lots of naptime and reading. I'm optimistic, but we'll have to see. It's been so rainy and cold, a day in will be a total delight if it actually happens.

Some days just need to be cozy inside days. The world can stay out, and I'll stay in.