Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A this and that Tuesday

Have been up since 6:30am, which isn't bad. I'm put to shame by folks who normally (and with joyous hearts) get out of bed earlier than I do. OK, maybe put to shame isn't correct, but I do admire folks who regularly make a point of rising before the sun comes up by choice. It just ain't me!

It's been snowing this morning. Started at about 8am, and has been on-again/off-again about it. A couple of the younger ones are playing in the backyard, and the least one has already slipped, fallen and cried. She's tucked up on the sofa with a warm cup of hot chocolate. She and her teddy bear, Russel (one "L").

The rest of the day? No clue, except for Barley soup for dinner (I'm finding I LOVE barley), and something to bake, because I have ingredients. Thanks for the suggestion, AJ! There's comfort in baking, and don't I know it?

Will try to tidy this messy house too. If I sit here long enough and let my gaze pass over the rooms, I can see that painting is a must for Spring. The door frames are a bit scuffed (understatement), and overall cleaning and scrubbing need to be on the agenda WAY before Spring. We'll see about taking it in small doses. I know I'd feel better for the doing of it

(photo from Christies)