Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A snowy morning

Our house looks like the photo on the header just now. Well, I guess it does. I'm inside, and my husband was outside when he took it, but you get my drift. It's snowy out there. Almost laughed out loud when I opened the back door to let the Pugs out earlier. I was expecting only sleety stuff, but snow is a happy thing when you never see it.

From the weather map, our snow is about over----really over, but the sky still looks heavy, and I'm not sure what this does to me taking the kids to my mom's for lunch. It's above freezing, so maybe we're OK. The streets have the look of going slushy when more traffic hits it.

Time will tell. Now I think I'll fix me a cup of tea and sit here with Pugs in my lap. That's all I can do for now.