Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thoughts for the day

My mind is all addled. Must be a continuing thing for me. :) What I really want today is to not have to go anywhere (that's up for grabs, though, considering we only have one loaf of bread) and to putter and enjoy the rain that's coming. That's all. Feeling a deep need for cozy. Just home stuff.

Youngest son had his 13th birthday yesterday and that was just a sweet day, so can't blame that for my need for quiet. But, honestly, with my media fast (only minor cheating), I still feel the pressure of the world creeping in. The kids and my husband talk about the news, so it's not like I've completely gotten away from it.

I need to rest in the Lord more. I know that's part of my problem. Feeling a tad fearful of the future, and should put some Scripture to memory to settle my heart. That should be a goal for the day, you know?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Internet addiction

Thinking about stuff. Concerned about all the time folks in this house spend online. Lots of time. Inordinate amounts of time. Three of the older kids bought their own laptops, but still---I have to wonder what they do online. One son gets online only with other folks in the room with him, and never alone. He's got it figured out, I think. I'd admire his self-control. I can manage some things, but not others, well...considering the ages of these children. Have to trust them, but still. Can't not point a finger at myself. We're addicts, somewhat.

Used to, folks would overindulge in the t.v. Not here. Our remote is broken on the main set, so with it being a bit annoying to constantly have to get up to switch channels, we watch it very little. Pretty much plan on what we'll watch and stick to it. No idle surfing.

On the days I stay offline, I realize how rested I feel. Not that lots more gets done, but I'm not so rattled. There's an information overload, and I'm a willing participant.

Something to think about. And to act on. But, must pray first. It's too easy to isolate the kids when talking about stuff like this. Folks would rather come to their own conclusions, without someone (even a well-meaning parent) pointing out the issue. The thing is, I have to set a good example, showing that I can control this problem too. Temptation is hard.

So, if I'm missing a bit in the next few days, you'll know why.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Crochet site

My favorite crochet site yet is The Bumblebee Shop. I've been to a few, and this one worked for me. I was pleased at how she worked past a row, to show you on one video how to make the next move. Some of the other videos would get you to the end of one stitch (do you call it that with crochet---I have a counted cross-stitch mentality!) and then leave you hanging. I've gotten a piece down that's about 8" long and maybe 3" across. A headband!?!??! Not anything, but satisfaction. Don't care if it turns out to be anything than what it is. Makes my brain happy. Thanks, Kim, for impressing me so much with your own work. Your enthusiasm is contagious, for sure! I'd not have ever attempted this without your example. Consider yourself hugged.

Now, with groceries in the house, birthday presents bought, I can rest and enjoy the weekend. That's what I'm talking about! :)

On my Friday

I'd strongly recommend a news fast for those of you who tend to overload. I'm really enjoying it. Got to thinking about the 'olden days' before the Internet. Back when we were unable to get online, we got our news on the t.v. or in the plain, old newspaper. We were more patient then, and maybe weren't so consumed with what happened around the world. Our focus was on the family and each other. Even lately, I've read about stock issues that happened back in the 80's and, honestly, I don't remember them. We were married in 1983, so were busy just being 'us'. We had little time to think about anyone but ourselves. Not so much self-centered (well, we were newlyweds!), but we had more important things on our minds. :) The thing is, I don't know as we suffered in our ignorance.

We're so easily distracted and influenced by the stuff out there. And while the leaders (few whom I respect) get their danders all up about how best to boss/control us, I'm enjoying letting them go at it. We're doing just fine here---trying to pay the bills, keeping the kids fed and educated, and comforting each other when necessary. Just doing the dailies. I don't need strangers scaring me. I just don't.

The thing is---when the news comes at us so quickly, it's easy to overreact and believe that things are worse than they actually are. Change doesn't happen quickly (fortunately), so having a knee-jerk reaction to the news isn't always the right response.

As this very minute goes...our youngest son turns 13 on Monday, so we're gathering gifts to shower him with, I'm trying to work up a weekend grocery list, and the house looks comfortably tumbled. Really, that's all that matters. To do our best at making the Lord proud. The world be hanged. I'm going to draw up my universe a bit more tightly. No news is good news for now. I promise. :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fussing and cleaning

  • Today marks the first day in my personal news blackout. Will reconsider on Easter, but not before.
  • Aggravated at President who reminds me of folks I've known who bluster around, talking incessantly so as to avoid appearing anymore ignorant that previously believed. It's not working.
  • Want to take that sidekick of the President's who keeps going on about a world currency out behind the woodshed. Not ready to hear about tattoos on folks' foreheads or hands either. Seems one thing leads to another, least in my thinking.
  • Time to change subject in this post, so....
  • Ready to replant a couple of things a sweet neighbor gave me...small schefflera and jade.
  • One of the African violets she gave me awhile back is about to bloom. A first time for me.
  • Time to clear out the flower beds too. But not today.
  • Going to spend time with this crocheting, later on. Have the chain stitch down, must work on what comes next.
  • Will make Poorman's Meal for tonight's dinner, courtesy of Clara's Depression-era videos. Love these. (thanks to Patricia for this link awhile back!)
  • Now off to do what damage I can....we're cleaning today. With the rain we've had, the house is depressed and wanting to be fussed over.
  • My mental state rises up several notches when the house is really clean. I'm not talking tidy, but CLEAN. It's time. :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


A beautiful day. We had rain galore last night, but today it's sunny and fine. Looking forward to some time alone later on. The kids go to my mom's for lunch (schoolbooks with them) and I get to go to Michael's to putzy around the crochet supplies. Kim has whetted my appetite for some handwork, and this might be the ticket. Tried knitting a couple of years ago, but my wrists complained---not sure if this will be better, but I'm willing to try. :)

Just wanting something to set on the side table to pick up from time to time. Cross-stitch seems to be too complicated right now to have handy. To lay out the cloth, pick out threads and get a chart all ready when I sit down is a difficult undertaking. Usually by the time I have everything ready, one of the kids has a need and I just pack everything up again. My mom says I accomplish plenty anyway, just taking care of everyone---but still, at the end of the day I want to be able to see that I've done something. Maintaining control over the house, and keeping the kids in order, etc. just isn't enough, you know?

Well, must fly. Glad of a clean house with us being in and out today. I have Lisa Samson's book, Embrace Me, to finish, probably today. A totally wonderful book. I have a pad of small sticky notes, and I keep tucking them between the pages to mark sentences I want to jot down in my journal. This one will definitely be on my favorites of the year list. Very moving and full of surprises.

Take care.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

On Tuesday

Craving a day at home, but realize that I need to go the discount bread store today. Fortunately, that's just down the road, so not a difficult task. Yesterday was busy enough, with us going to the library after doing schoolwork. Then took a short nap and then the grocery store before dinner.

And, knowing me, I stayed up too late reading a Lisa Samson book. This one is Embrace Me, and is really riveting me to the pages. Used to, I couldn't really relate to her books, but recently, am inhaling them. Good stuff.

Anyway, for today, will get the schoolwork done this morning---must read the first part of Cyrano de Bergerac. (note to self---print off notes from SparkNotes) My kids read a lot, but want to slip in some classics before the schoolyear ends. One son (our seventeen-year-old who's not really into books as much as everyone else) read Cyrano in one day, so the rest of us have some catching up to do.

Housecleaning to do, minor tidying up and salmon croquettes and salad for dinner---one of my favorites. Love to dump it all in together with a hardy helping of ranch dressing. Yum!

Just thankful for the gift of a day. Hope I can keep the mindset of remembering Who made the day and can "rejoice and be glad in it." Now, must get busy.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I made a passing comment the other day about how we sometimes hear g*nshots from our house---but seeming that they're always several blocks away, and late at night, has prevented me from fretting too much. Well, I had to gulp yesterday afternoon while one of our sons was out taking Opal for a walk. After he'd been gone for about 20 minutes or so, he called my cellphone which was at the house (he always carries someone's phone with him), and one of the other boys picked up. Turns out that there was a shooting in the path of his walk, and it had happened just minutes before he came by that way. The police were already there and the guy who got shot (in the leg) was sitting on the curb.

Not what we wanted to hear in the middle of a lovely Sunday afternoon. And the awful part was that this was only a block or so away.

I needed husband hugs after that. Sure put a damper on the afternoon, let me tell you. I'm thankful for God's timing that this son wasn't where he didn't need to be a minute earlier.

Btw, don't let this mislead you into thinking that I'm into g*n control. Far from it. Let the legal guys have 'em, because it's mostly the ones carrying illegally who are causing all the trouble.

Friday, March 20, 2009

New goodies

Have a new cabinet, received from a client of my husband's, who hired him to re-do an antique buffet for her. She didn't want the cabinet anymore, choosing the buffet to house her t.v. instead. A win-win situation for us. Gary did have work to do on it, though. With a false front, he re-did it using the false drawer fronts and all to create 2 drawers and double doors. Dishy. All a change for us, though, since the former cabinet we had closed off the t.v. I prefer that, but the picture is better with the set out in the open.

Just fun to have new furniture, especially with it being free. Well, free if you don't count Gary's labor and the wood he had to use to make the drawers and stuff. I'm always amazed at his talent. Give him a pile of wood and he creates masterpieces. Can't dicker with that. He is an artist, and I've always said so.

Btw, the piece is an Amy Howard (do an Internet search of her shops)....very nice, and esp. fun since this one was free for us!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Home stuff

Was all cozied up in bed last night, reading a good murder/mystery by James Scott Bell called 'Try Dying'. Good stuff. But, the background noise that was mildly concerning me was a helicopter that kept circling overhead and, even during the night, the sounds of firetrucks and ambulances (can't tell the difference). This went on and on and on. Very strange. Usually it's pretty quiet here, without so much drama. And I consider us to live in a moderately safe neighborhood---well, according to today's standards. I will admit to hearing g*nshots from time to time several blocks over. (Don't know what readers will make of that comment) But, still, I like it here.

What I was getting at is how much I like being at home. I like the safety of having our own walls to be tucked inside of. The fact that folks can't just barge in here without us wanting them to be here. I like barriers. And since I've never been too much of a people person, I really like the boundaries that home gives. Others aren't supposed to mess with you on your own turf. And I really love providing a relatively tidy place for my family to come home to after work. When my husband comes in the door, and gives a great sigh, I can always see that any sacrifice on my part is definitely well worth it.

Just feeling thankful, and really appreciating the day. Just today.

(photo by me)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Just this and that

I need a full night's sleep. Consistently. When it happens, I always wonder at how amazing I feel. As it is lately...and for months...I wake up too early after having a hard time settling down the night before, and the new day bangs me upside the head.

Then I look around at what needs doing and don't know how I'll manage. Time to do whatever it is folks say about bootstraps. Pull myself up by them----is that what it is? Or is that reserved for those who have to take huge steps in order to make things happen? Well, I'm sleep-deprived and I guess the situation is similar, yes?

Do need to go to Family Dollar (can't stand that store, really, but the employees are always sweet) to get the Purex detergent I enjoy using. The price for the yummy-smelling green bottles is so wonderful there, I don't really mind going. I try to void stores that are really low cost, because I end up feeling poor, and don't like that. With us continually living tightly (as it's always been), I figure if I can keep my wits about me and rise above any frustration, I'm coming out ahead. I do love saving money, and pat myself on the back for my cleverness. But if I shop too often at the low-end stores, my self-esteem putters out. Seems I need the visual stimulation of stores that decorate and try to entice the customer. This piling stuff on shelves and having things just this and that-a-way does nothing for my need for pretty things. Does this mindset even make sense?

And just to say. This talking about income isn't ever meant as a slight to my husband's job. The thing is...the world is set to be a two-income sort of place, and many times with one income it's just hard. Doesn't matter anymore who you are. It's just hard.

Well, must move the wash around. Will keep my eyes open for a candle while I'm out. Wish there was a buy one/get one sale on somewhere for that. That's always fun.


Monday, March 16, 2009

End of Monday

It's almost like when there's an official day off, I get worn out at the prospect and spend time recovering from being so busy in the days just previous. Maybe that's normal. Sort of like when you take a vacation and spend a couple of days just sitting around, proud of your good fortune.

That was today. Grumpy me getting groceries with the kids, and grousing a bit since they wanted to enjoy the outing and I wanted it done. Home then and putting things away and reading....LOTS. Hiding away in a book (Jerry B. Jenkins' latest called 'Riven', which I can't praise enough). Then dinner, which was easy being that it was nachos. Have felt tired, but that's to be expected at times, I reckon.

After dinner had a walk with Gary after dark, and I accused him of trying to beef up my endorphins so I'd feel perky. Least he tried. :) Anyway, later on found me finishing the book. Left me mentally drained. But good.

Am going to listen to some more Backstreet Boys tunes in a minute. 'Inconsolable' is totally wonderful. Try 'Panic' too. Oh shoot, listen to the album 'Unbreakable' on Amazon. Love it. Almost as good a drug as Coke Zero. :) Like caffeine, but cheaper. Helps with the blues, and before bed, that'd be a very good thing. See ya.

Can't think of a title to put here

Struggling with interruptions. Funny, but I don't see the kids trying it on my husband when he's home. He can be totally engrossed in a project, and they just slide on past him. But if I do anything for more than 5 minutes at a time (maybe less), then here they come.

I must have failed in teaching them respect for my time. Especially my time. I hear an echo, realizing this is a universal problem. Sure I want to be available to them, but there has to be a balance. Even a few minutes ago, I listened to part of a sermon by Mark Driscoll (all of 3-4 minutes of a nine minute piece...wow, so long!) and could feel one of them watching me, waiting for the pause before they could talk. The stare. All mothers recognize it. Even now, with the sound off on the laptop, I've kept in the earphones, so at least I appear to be listening to something. So far, it's working. Sort of.

Sorry to be grumpy, but with it being Spring Break at our house, I can already imagine how some of them will look to me for entertainment. Wah. I want to play too. Just maybe not with them! Must call husband and make plans. :)
Struggling with interruptions. Funny, but I don't see the kids trying it on my husband, when he's home. He can be totally engrossed in a project, and they just slide on past him. But if I do anything for more than 5 minutes at a time (maybe less), then

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Week's end

The Pugs are wrestling, running and sliding across the hardwood floor. Big dogs (esp. Shepherd) aren't inclined to play and would rather growl instead. Even animals can be grumpy. Pugs tend to be jolly and rollicking 99% of the time and older dogs are sticks in the mud. Well, Opal (the Shepherd) likes to play with Pug Violet outside (but can't stand Pug Daisy, for some reason), yet since Opal's mouth fits neatly over the Pugs' heads, I'm not so keen on them racing around the backyard. I'd rather feed Opal dry dog food, you know? She is part Husky, and from what I've read, Huskies enjoy hunting for food. Huh. Not a good fun fact in this land of Pugs.

Need to tidy up the joint. Making Taco Soup for dinner and oldest daughter is going to whip up something with this new can of cocoa. She's asked a couple of guys from church (sweet friends) to dinner with us, and they're always fun. Girlfriends? No. But we do like to entertain the guys. ;) My only stipulation was that these friends had to go to church first, before coming here. Yeah, I mother them all! We'll get the house/dinner ready before we leave for church, so all's ready when we get back. Ought to be fun.

Looking forward to Spring Break next week. By Monday surely this rain will have passed, and we'll have blue skies and warm days. Perfect timing for a break, I think.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Reading The Truest Pleasure by Robert Morgan, and really liking it. Might be I'll eat my words before the weekend is up, though.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just thinking

I wonder sometimes if some folks who voted in this Democrat for President---do they ever have an UH-OH moment when they doubt that they did the right thing? Just curious. And secretly hoping that folks are getting their wits about themselves again. Talk about blinders. Reminds me of the expression one of our dogs gets on her face when you startle her. Then she'll get up, shake her coat and look around like she's a bit confused. That's the way the American people have looked. Shell-shocked. Be careful of what you pray for, you know? Some prayed for this President to win, they got their wish and look at what's happening. My goodness. Shame doesn't begin to cover it.

Have been reading news here since Dr*dge gets my goat at times, often being inappropriate, and besides his ads can be a bit 'over the top'. This site I'm linking appears to be more conservative and right-leaning, Christian and not offensive. When I've browsed the news there I don't cringe and want to wring my hands. Just the facts, ma'am.

Well, looking forward to quiet today. The kids will be at my mom's part of the day, the house is relatively clean, dinner is easy potato soup (not my favorite, but a breeze to put together), and I might go to the library for a new pile. The rain inspires me to take some time to rest a bit. Sounds good to me.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Seeking a joyful day :)

With the puppies waking me up at 7am for the past two days, I've thought that I was getting more sleep. Then realized that with the clocks being moved ahead an hour over the weekend, that actually, I'm getting up earlier. Go figure. I'm obviously not the sharpest tack in the box.

As for today, the windows are already up, fans in place and the sun is breaking through. We're supposed to get rain this evening, so will try to get all of the wash done and hung out today. It is glorious outside----slightly cool, the flowers are popping and Spring has definitely sprung. I do love the South. I'm enjoying the hyacinths I planted last year---even cut a few, but my goodness, the scent is heavy. Have to keep moving them from room to room, so as to not get overpowered!

I made a comment on Twitter this morning that I want to look back on today as being a GOOD day. The tendency is to pack in more duty than play, so that at day's end, while I might be satisfied at a job well-done, there's not much silliness to remember. I'm way too serious for my own good. There's sometimes a glimmer of goofiness or joy tucked in, but I tend to be more concerned with getting the cleaning done and the house straightened. Well, to give me credit---with 10 people living here, it does get messy quick if we don't keep a handle on it.

Even yesterday, I told a neighbor who called at around 4:30pm that the girls couldn't play because I wanted the house to look reasonable when Gary got home. Truth is, we didn't end up doing much cleaning, but I wanted to avoid this neighbor. She totally drains me. Good call on my part, but a tidy house would've been nice. I will say, though, that I used the time wisely and made a layer cake and put the finishing touches on beef stew for dinner. Comfort food, yes?

Am trying to adjust my behavior from being a doormat to those who would abuse the privilege of me listening to them ad nauseum. When I walk away from a conversation exhausted, then there's not a very level conversation going on, is there?

So, on to today. May it be blessed and full of joy. May my children laugh and bring happiness to this house, may my husband show self-control in not overworking himself, and may everyone return home safely this evening. That's all I ask.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Today's stuff

Many thanks to John Piper for being a quiet voice of sanity for me today (read his post before going further). While I've respected David Wilkerson's work, especially being that I'm an old fan of his book The Cross and the Switchblade, I admit to being startled by his pronouncement on his blog today. Don't scare me. God can startle me all He wants, but you humans, don't try it.

Since my moods have been thin and fragile lately, to hear about him stockpiling a month's-worth of food items in anticipation of an impending Doomsday scenario that he feels is near, just made me sweat. I got to mentally trying to figure out how to manage that. And considering I'm on the last of my present cash at the moment, I was in a quandary. What to do? C'mon, I'm trying feed eight kids in a one-income home. Give me a break. Do I heed what he's saying, or put it to a whim? Well, maybe whim is a strong word considering how serious Rev. Wilkerson is about his vision, but still. My mind automatically went to similar words by a very popular pastor from Oklahoma (who will go nameless), but that's been years ago. Couldn't call my husband at work, the voice of reason for my life, but had to muddle alone. I hate it when I feel so ungrounded and aimless....but I was all frazzled over this.

Then this afternoon, one son got a blog update for Piper and he told me where to go to read it. Brief and excellent. I like concise writers. Peace.

It's no fun being so easily startled. Truly. I should know better, but when you're tired and wanting someone to say that it'll be alright---well, to hear the opposite, is plain dreadful. Life is weird now. I don't have a clue, and don't have a hoard of goods, but I do serve God Almighty and He's very forgiving of my humanness, even when I fail Him and get my knickers all in a twist.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A quiet Sunday

Just now turned my wristwatch ahead an hour. I'd not done it last night so as to pretend that I had more time. It was so silly---last evening, as I was gathering up my nightgown, etc. for a shower, told the kids who were still up that I needed to hurry and get to bed since we were losing an hour. Then I stopped and realized that since we'd gone to church last night, there was no need to set the alarm for this morning. I was getting all het about the dogs waking up an hour early. Talk about fretting for nothing. By my watch (not set ahead), the dogs woke up at the regular time. I can torment myself so easily.

Hoping for a relaxing day today. The sky is thickly overcast and rain is on the way. The temperatures are to be in the seventies for a few days, and Spring is definitely here. Have to expect some freezing still until mid-April though. Saw a man putting out begonias the other day, and wanted to caution him. He'll have to baby those tiny plants for a few weeks, covering them at night when we still have frost, perhaps----it's not safe out there yet!

The house still sleeps (quiet is such a wonderful thing!), one son has the stomach virus (he had to stay home last night), and while everyone hasn't gotten sick, the majority have. Must get out the Clorox spray and go around the house before everyone gets to moving around. So hard to keep ahead of sickness sometimes, and it feels like we've had our share this Winter. Must air out the house today.

Enjoy yours!

Friday, March 6, 2009


For two weeks I've had to deal with a tension headache that just won't let up. I can tell what sort of headache it is, simply because I tend to have migraines. A totally different kettle of fish. And no matter what I do to relax, it's lurking in the background. Doesn't help that I've read the news on a daily basis. Guess that's part of it. To be served a steady dose of the indigestible nonsense this government is dishing out has gotten to me. Least that's what I think.

I'm fretting, and my faith is sort of taking a back-row seat in importance. Must change that. The thing is, we've always had to be careful in a financial sense. All around us, we've known folks who've had a retirement, plenty of insurance and steady paychecks. We've been the oddballs. Now, I'm seeing these same people getting caught in the same situation I've lived with for years. Tight times. I think it's bothering me, because if the well-off are feeling the pain, then will our situation take a downturn? I'm being negative, I know, and have no proof that the Lord has forgotten us. The opposite is true. Gary's had steady work in the shop since the new year began. Just figure in some twisted way that to achieve a balance in the universe, we'll have to go downhill if everyone else does.

Have got to lay this down, I know, and until this morning when I got to pondering all of this, hadn't realized the real reason for my headaches. With it being the weekend, maybe I can have some quiet and address it, you know?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And the beat goes on...

  • The Pugs are chasing one another around the room with a busted up Cool-Whip container. They're happy, and fortunately it doesn't take much. Give them a piece of old Tupperware or a knotted sock and they have a big old time. Don't have to buy toys, but give them cast-offs. Easy.
  • Another child is down with the stomach virus, and I'm wondering if the two kids who had achy stomachs (without the throwing up) last week had this sickness or were just play-acting. Kidding. Three have had the heaves for sure, 2 just stomach twinges, so we have 3 to go. Not that I'm expecting everyone to get sick, but it pays to plan. Oldest daughter says that everyone should go to bed with a plastic gallon ice cream bucket, so as to be prepared. She was halfway serious. Not that I have that many buckets to hand around. Must eat more ice cream.
  • Desirous to get out the house and play a bit. Husband handed me off some cash last night, and I jokingly asked if I could buy clothes with it. He gave me a look. Anyone who really knows me, knows that shopping for clothes is totally abhorrent to me. Truly, any money that comes into this house, with few exceptions, goes to the necessities. I was trying to be funny, but it fell on deaf ears. Guess I should try harder. The thing about him is that he doesn't give a rip what I do with the money. He knows I'm overly responsible with money, to the worshipful attitude about it (a bad habit I'm trying to mend), so he knows I'll buy necessities. But to come home with something frivolous sure sounds appealing, you know?
  • Glad I have dinner stuff in the house, though. Barley soup. Major yum. My new meal and one I enjoy making and everyone seems to like eating. Get you a packet of that Barzi Gourmet Pearl Barley Soup mix (the one with the seasoning), and after it's been washed and drained and cooked according to the package directions---add a large can of diced tomatoes, two bags of frozen Mexican/Southwest style veggies, two Knorr beef bouillon cubes and water to fill the pot a bit. Dishy. You can brown some chopped onion and garlic to add, if you like. Warning though....this Barzi soup packet is expensive, in the four dollar/something cents range, but altogether with these ingredients, you're spending about ten or twelve bucks, depending on sales. To feed ten people, I consider it a deal.
  • Must go rustle up kids, to see who's get-up-able and who's not. We're running behind schedule, but that's not an issue. We have all day. And with me only getting 5 hours sleep last night (can you tell I'm a bit ditsy?), I'm in no hurry at all.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Around the house

Yeah, just me up and moving. Husband and oldest daughter already at work. I'm letting the rest of them sleep in a tad since youngest son was up and sick overnight. Oldest son took care of tidying him up and getting him back to bed, which I appreciated. Not aware of it until this morning. Our bedroom is the old garage, at the other end of the kitchen, so I don't often hear the noises of the kids moving about at night. That's why we have wind chimes hanging in the two main doorways, so we can hear if anyone comes in/goes out. We used to have a sleep-walker, and I was fearful of him going outside during the night. Hence the chimes hanging in front of the doors. Lovely besides. :)

Glad I don't have to go anywhere today. With the groceries in and my plate busy enough with schoolwork and cleaning around here, I'm glad of a home day. I look out over the cluttered living room, the piles of muddy towels on the kitchen floor from cleaning up after the dogs muddy snow feet, and mounds of clean clothes wanting folding and there's plenty to do. But it's comforting and domestic, so that's OK by me.

Must put a reminder in my head to bake something for a new neighbor. The more time passes, the less my chance of being truly welcoming. Hard too the way folks work. This new neighbor is either at work for long hours, or holed up in the house. Not sure if anybody else has been over there yet, but will do my thing regardless. Plus it's a rental house, and it seems that folks who rent often get less of a reception than those who buy. Just the way it is, I guess.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Late Monday

  • God continues to bless Gary's shop. He got the OK from another client for a job today.
  • The temperatures will rise to 70 before week's end.
  • The kids are recovering from viruses that have slowly knocked us down....gradually and over a long period of time. The least one was last, seeming to have the strongest constitution. Go figure.
  • Went to neighborhood association meeting tonight. A good thing, really good. Folks pulling together to improve our aging post-WWII neighborhood.
  • Don't have to leave the house tomorrow. Have one Diet Coke to splurge on tomorrow...I sort of allow myself one or, at the most, 2 a day. Sad, huh? But since I tend to be habitual about some things, this is best----the rationing.
  • Glad to be back with the homeschooling, since we had to take time off last week for funeral.
  • Normal is good. Security is wonderful, and having my husband feeling relief with work is an amazing blessing.

(photo by oldest daughter of yummy man seeming to enjoy playing with the kids on saturday afternoon)

Monday's news

Slightly grumpy still. Was hoping the weekend would put paid to that, but apparently not. Woke up too early, fussed with the dogs, kept my grump on, and found out youngest daughter had been ill several times during the night. She's all covered up on the sofa now, feeling better, and maybe we can just keep her quiet. Thankfully our oldest daughter took care of her in the wee hours (the girls share a room) and I was able to sleep. We have good kids.

Planning a grocery store run. The kids and I watched Bobby Flay's Throwdown show last night, and they made meatballs to the degree that we were all drooling afterwards. This happens when we watch Food Network, and it seems our house is always empty of yummy eats when they have a particularly delectable show. Like last night.

So, I might look up the Barefoot Contessa's meatball recipe (have made it once using only beef, and not what she uses for the meat---ultra dishy) and it'll satisfy our urges. So frustrating to only have bread and margarine to eat after the show. Bummer. Must stock-up kitchen cupboards. Then eat. And then have seconds. :)