Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Around the house

Yeah, just me up and moving. Husband and oldest daughter already at work. I'm letting the rest of them sleep in a tad since youngest son was up and sick overnight. Oldest son took care of tidying him up and getting him back to bed, which I appreciated. Not aware of it until this morning. Our bedroom is the old garage, at the other end of the kitchen, so I don't often hear the noises of the kids moving about at night. That's why we have wind chimes hanging in the two main doorways, so we can hear if anyone comes in/goes out. We used to have a sleep-walker, and I was fearful of him going outside during the night. Hence the chimes hanging in front of the doors. Lovely besides. :)

Glad I don't have to go anywhere today. With the groceries in and my plate busy enough with schoolwork and cleaning around here, I'm glad of a home day. I look out over the cluttered living room, the piles of muddy towels on the kitchen floor from cleaning up after the dogs muddy snow feet, and mounds of clean clothes wanting folding and there's plenty to do. But it's comforting and domestic, so that's OK by me.

Must put a reminder in my head to bake something for a new neighbor. The more time passes, the less my chance of being truly welcoming. Hard too the way folks work. This new neighbor is either at work for long hours, or holed up in the house. Not sure if anybody else has been over there yet, but will do my thing regardless. Plus it's a rental house, and it seems that folks who rent often get less of a reception than those who buy. Just the way it is, I guess.