Monday, March 16, 2009

Can't think of a title to put here

Struggling with interruptions. Funny, but I don't see the kids trying it on my husband when he's home. He can be totally engrossed in a project, and they just slide on past him. But if I do anything for more than 5 minutes at a time (maybe less), then here they come.

I must have failed in teaching them respect for my time. Especially my time. I hear an echo, realizing this is a universal problem. Sure I want to be available to them, but there has to be a balance. Even a few minutes ago, I listened to part of a sermon by Mark Driscoll (all of 3-4 minutes of a nine minute, so long!) and could feel one of them watching me, waiting for the pause before they could talk. The stare. All mothers recognize it. Even now, with the sound off on the laptop, I've kept in the earphones, so at least I appear to be listening to something. So far, it's working. Sort of.

Sorry to be grumpy, but with it being Spring Break at our house, I can already imagine how some of them will look to me for entertainment. Wah. I want to play too. Just maybe not with them! Must call husband and make plans. :)