Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just thinking

I wonder sometimes if some folks who voted in this Democrat for President---do they ever have an UH-OH moment when they doubt that they did the right thing? Just curious. And secretly hoping that folks are getting their wits about themselves again. Talk about blinders. Reminds me of the expression one of our dogs gets on her face when you startle her. Then she'll get up, shake her coat and look around like she's a bit confused. That's the way the American people have looked. Shell-shocked. Be careful of what you pray for, you know? Some prayed for this President to win, they got their wish and look at what's happening. My goodness. Shame doesn't begin to cover it.

Have been reading news here since Dr*dge gets my goat at times, often being inappropriate, and besides his ads can be a bit 'over the top'. This site I'm linking appears to be more conservative and right-leaning, Christian and not offensive. When I've browsed the news there I don't cringe and want to wring my hands. Just the facts, ma'am.

Well, looking forward to quiet today. The kids will be at my mom's part of the day, the house is relatively clean, dinner is easy potato soup (not my favorite, but a breeze to put together), and I might go to the library for a new pile. The rain inspires me to take some time to rest a bit. Sounds good to me.