Saturday, March 14, 2009

Week's end

The Pugs are wrestling, running and sliding across the hardwood floor. Big dogs (esp. Shepherd) aren't inclined to play and would rather growl instead. Even animals can be grumpy. Pugs tend to be jolly and rollicking 99% of the time and older dogs are sticks in the mud. Well, Opal (the Shepherd) likes to play with Pug Violet outside (but can't stand Pug Daisy, for some reason), yet since Opal's mouth fits neatly over the Pugs' heads, I'm not so keen on them racing around the backyard. I'd rather feed Opal dry dog food, you know? She is part Husky, and from what I've read, Huskies enjoy hunting for food. Huh. Not a good fun fact in this land of Pugs.

Need to tidy up the joint. Making Taco Soup for dinner and oldest daughter is going to whip up something with this new can of cocoa. She's asked a couple of guys from church (sweet friends) to dinner with us, and they're always fun. Girlfriends? No. But we do like to entertain the guys. ;) My only stipulation was that these friends had to go to church first, before coming here. Yeah, I mother them all! We'll get the house/dinner ready before we leave for church, so all's ready when we get back. Ought to be fun.

Looking forward to Spring Break next week. By Monday surely this rain will have passed, and we'll have blue skies and warm days. Perfect timing for a break, I think.