Thinking about stuff. Concerned about all the time folks in this house spend online. Lots of time. Inordinate amounts of time. Three of the older kids bought their own laptops, but still---I have to wonder what they do online. One son gets online only with other folks in the room with him, and never alone. He's got it figured out, I think. I'd admire his self-control. I can manage some things, but not others, well...considering the ages of these children. Have to trust them, but still. Can't not point a finger at myself. We're addicts, somewhat.
Used to, folks would overindulge in the t.v. Not here. Our remote is broken on the main set, so with it being a bit annoying to constantly have to get up to switch channels, we watch it very little. Pretty much plan on what we'll watch and stick to it. No idle surfing.
On the days I stay offline, I realize how rested I feel. Not that lots more gets done, but I'm not so rattled. There's an information overload, and I'm a willing participant.
Something to think about. And to act on. But, must pray first. It's too easy to isolate the kids when talking about stuff like this. Folks would rather come to their own conclusions, without someone (even a well-meaning parent) pointing out the issue. The thing is, I have to set a good example, showing that I can control this problem too. Temptation is hard.
So, if I'm missing a bit in the next few days, you'll know why.
Used to, folks would overindulge in the t.v. Not here. Our remote is broken on the main set, so with it being a bit annoying to constantly have to get up to switch channels, we watch it very little. Pretty much plan on what we'll watch and stick to it. No idle surfing.
On the days I stay offline, I realize how rested I feel. Not that lots more gets done, but I'm not so rattled. There's an information overload, and I'm a willing participant.
Something to think about. And to act on. But, must pray first. It's too easy to isolate the kids when talking about stuff like this. Folks would rather come to their own conclusions, without someone (even a well-meaning parent) pointing out the issue. The thing is, I have to set a good example, showing that I can control this problem too. Temptation is hard.
So, if I'm missing a bit in the next few days, you'll know why.