Tuesday, March 24, 2009

On Tuesday

Craving a day at home, but realize that I need to go the discount bread store today. Fortunately, that's just down the road, so not a difficult task. Yesterday was busy enough, with us going to the library after doing schoolwork. Then took a short nap and then the grocery store before dinner.

And, knowing me, I stayed up too late reading a Lisa Samson book. This one is Embrace Me, and is really riveting me to the pages. Used to, I couldn't really relate to her books, but recently, am inhaling them. Good stuff.

Anyway, for today, will get the schoolwork done this morning---must read the first part of Cyrano de Bergerac. (note to self---print off notes from SparkNotes) My kids read a lot, but want to slip in some classics before the schoolyear ends. One son (our seventeen-year-old who's not really into books as much as everyone else) read Cyrano in one day, so the rest of us have some catching up to do.

Housecleaning to do, minor tidying up and salmon croquettes and salad for dinner---one of my favorites. Love to dump it all in together with a hardy helping of ranch dressing. Yum!

Just thankful for the gift of a day. Hope I can keep the mindset of remembering Who made the day and can "rejoice and be glad in it." Now, must get busy.