Monday, April 6, 2009

A fresh day...

Finding that crochet work is addictive. Really. I found a scarf pattern in the Crocheting for Dummies book, and have used up one skein already. A first for me. The directions in the book work really well alongside the YouTube videos. So cool to teach yourself how to do stuff and not spend a penny. Well, yarn isn't expensive and it's so rewarding to make something so quickly.

A cold day. Snow us just to the North and East of us, but supposedly won't make it here. Just windy and cold. The clothes will dry quickly on the clotheslines though. :) Glad I have my minions to do that for me!

Not sure what the plan is today. Oldest daughter left me with a thought before we went to bed last night, asking what she could do for me today. One thing, she says. Tell me one thing I can do for you. Huh! Like, this girl is always giving. She's bought us groceries (many times), made dinner, given me little gifts just because, tidied up the house---it's like I could say in return that what has she NOT done for me lately? She's a keeper. But not sure I have an answer for her.

Hoping I can just flow with the day, and not take on any worries. My husband needs work in the shop, but we have a sort of lull at the beginning of the months. No bills are due, so no immediate pressures, but just praying for grocery money. I seriously need to practice some yoga again (just the physically relaxing parts) be still and focus on my breathing can be so totally relaxing. I'm usually flying every which-a-way, so pure quiet is a blessing. Seems I tend to be tense, waiting for the next interruption. But that's the way with moms, isn't it?

Must go and put the first load in the washer. Have already been up since 6:30am, am finishing up my tea, crocheted earlier, and now it's time to stir the house awake. Husband is gone to work, so here we are with a fresh, new Monday. Need to keep my focus on the Lord and what He wants for me. Again, rejoice and be glad in it, yes?