Wanting to get a grip on my life this week. The pastor talked about worry and control last night, and one quote went something like this: "Worry is a fear of not having control." Bingo. Seems one plays off the other.
My husband told me yesterday that I was wound up tighter than Dick's hatband, and he's right. I'm so uptight and frazzled, I'm not even aware of it. It's become a way of life. I remember that my needy neighbor asked me to babysit tomorrow morning while she goes to the doctor for some tests and I want to call her up and cancel, but of course I won't. I agreed a couple of weeks ago, but really need (for my own sanity) to get a grip on her requests and my ability to solve them. There was a bit of a reprieve last week (and the prayers and advice from a couple of friends was priceless), but every darn time she rings my cell phone, there's a want/need/question. She's not going away! Obviously I'm not dealing with it very well. Partly it's the thread of exaggeration in her behavior. She called last week about a rash her baby had, and her own mom (who is also prone to making mountains out of molehills) thought it was ringw*rm or impet*go. I got online to see what impet*go looked like, so I'd be prepared before I walked over there. (drumroll, please) It was a heatrash. Just that. And this happens all the time. Hear me? All the time. Everything is a big deal with this chick.
There's the issue of wanting to be a good witness, but there's way too much taking on her part and the playing field isn't very level. A WWJD moment for sure. But if my memory serves me right, even the Lord grew weary of folks....'course He didn't follow through on the sinful thoughts concerning said individuals, but still...the takers of the world sure can drain a person.
But today is good, so far. And while I rarely get enough sleep, it's amazing how a person can function with as little as I get. Still, the mood falters and depression peeks its ugly head at me from time to time. Will try to boost up myself today. Have to call the insurance company tomorrow to see if they'll pay for our bathroom floor repair. Don't have a clue, but we figure it's worth a try. My mom's optimistic about it for us. And I want some time to get my thoughts together about that neighbor. I know that their house needs the Lord, yet just struggle with how much I'm necessary to them. But honestly, if it's not me, someone else will come along and fill the void. I'm physically drained from the situation, and have some work to do before I'll be settled about it. Sort of weird how it's obsessing me so much. I do think too much, hence the hatband comment. Just makes me wonder how my zingy-ness shows up in my personality. Must go chill, don't you think? Oldest daughter bought donuts yesterday for our morning breakfast today. Time for one. :) This'll work out. I just need to let go of it, and not try to fix it. The letting go is the hard part, though. Always.
My husband told me yesterday that I was wound up tighter than Dick's hatband, and he's right. I'm so uptight and frazzled, I'm not even aware of it. It's become a way of life. I remember that my needy neighbor asked me to babysit tomorrow morning while she goes to the doctor for some tests and I want to call her up and cancel, but of course I won't. I agreed a couple of weeks ago, but really need (for my own sanity) to get a grip on her requests and my ability to solve them. There was a bit of a reprieve last week (and the prayers and advice from a couple of friends was priceless), but every darn time she rings my cell phone, there's a want/need/question. She's not going away! Obviously I'm not dealing with it very well. Partly it's the thread of exaggeration in her behavior. She called last week about a rash her baby had, and her own mom (who is also prone to making mountains out of molehills) thought it was ringw*rm or impet*go. I got online to see what impet*go looked like, so I'd be prepared before I walked over there. (drumroll, please) It was a heatrash. Just that. And this happens all the time. Hear me? All the time. Everything is a big deal with this chick.
There's the issue of wanting to be a good witness, but there's way too much taking on her part and the playing field isn't very level. A WWJD moment for sure. But if my memory serves me right, even the Lord grew weary of folks....'course He didn't follow through on the sinful thoughts concerning said individuals, but still...the takers of the world sure can drain a person.
But today is good, so far. And while I rarely get enough sleep, it's amazing how a person can function with as little as I get. Still, the mood falters and depression peeks its ugly head at me from time to time. Will try to boost up myself today. Have to call the insurance company tomorrow to see if they'll pay for our bathroom floor repair. Don't have a clue, but we figure it's worth a try. My mom's optimistic about it for us. And I want some time to get my thoughts together about that neighbor. I know that their house needs the Lord, yet just struggle with how much I'm necessary to them. But honestly, if it's not me, someone else will come along and fill the void. I'm physically drained from the situation, and have some work to do before I'll be settled about it. Sort of weird how it's obsessing me so much. I do think too much, hence the hatband comment. Just makes me wonder how my zingy-ness shows up in my personality. Must go chill, don't you think? Oldest daughter bought donuts yesterday for our morning breakfast today. Time for one. :) This'll work out. I just need to let go of it, and not try to fix it. The letting go is the hard part, though. Always.