Have been making a short list of books for the kids to read before school lets out. We're into Cyrano de Bergerac now, and since I've always loved plays anyway, it's a treat. Cyrano is so likable. Our Town is next on the list, and it might take some time to get through, but figured we were on a roll with reading plays.
Got 1984 and Brave New World yesterday, at the library, but don't think we'll be reading them as a group. Sometimes a book is more earthy than I intend to inflict on our kids, and these fit that description. I dunno. When I was in high school (private) and in college (not-private), we read stuff I'd not be keen on having in the house. Just because it's popular, doesn't make it necessary. Catcher in the Rye is one, and I'm sure I could make the list longer. Call me over-cautious. I don't care.
The thing is, both the books I've mentioned are frighteningly spot on as far as the thinking of the world is going. (This is amazing to me especially since one was published in the early '30's and the other one in 1950.) They couldn't have known that...but with Brave New World's dealing in reproduction (test tube sorts), well, we're almost there. The buzz is that folks want to select the sex and characteristics of their babies. Yuck. And as far as 1984 goes, yes, people do seem to want to be controlled by the government. The 'tell me what to do and I'll do it' mentality is more and more prevalent. And, if a person's doing what they're told, they're not held responsible for the consequences, are they? Huh!
Must seek out some light reading for the day. This heavy stuff makes me frown. :) I must be a sucker for punishment. Have put myself on a news blackout, but still seem to need the stimulation of hot topics. Brother.
Now, as to my current Internet consumption, as mentioned on Sunday---my time online is down, and I'm trying to focus on what I really want to do/see and not what just splashes in front of me. Much better!