Sunday, April 12, 2009

Joyous Easter

Am up before the house, as usual, and have browsed the sites I enjoy online. I'm still amazed at God's provision, even for the simple things. Read on.

Case in point....our oven went on the blink Thursday night, after we got home from church (I know what the problem is---the igniter, and Gary's already replaced it once before), so that put a kink in what we would've planned for Easter dinner. My only real regret was not being able to make Hot Cross Buns. Not sure why that was on my mind so, but I was really looking forward to that. Oh well. So, we re-did the grocery list and I just figured we'd fret about the oven fix after the holiday weekend. Mind you, Gary was game to go ahead and do it, but it was one more thing and I don't always enjoy the 'one-more-thing' mentality. Makes the list grow.

Anyway, here's where the story gets neat....two of the boys had a yard to clean/cut yesterday morning, for a friend of a friend. She's a really sweet person, and I've talked to her several times, but we've not had the opportunity to get close. Add to that, Gary took the boys to do the job (loaded mowers, etc.) and came back to pick them up. Busyness! I'd already taken everyone else to the art gallery for the morning, and we stopped by this friend's house afterwards, on our way home (her house is so cute, I wanted to see it all tidy!). They were all outside when we got there, and Gary was on his way. This generous woman----get this---had packed a beautiful basket with a honey-baked ham, bakery chocolate cake, cheesecake, bread, a begonia, a wrapped candle, some candy, plastic eggs, and some hot cross buns from the store.

Is that not the coolest story?

I love it when God answers a prayer or need even unexpectedly. Just wanted to share. :)