Saturday, April 4, 2009

Baking bread

Made the best bread yesterday---better than any I've ever whipped up. And I've made some bread. :) One son (the one who enjoys baking) got to hunting on the Internet for a bread that would wind up like a big wad. I wanted a pile of bread. And while I know that this description doesn't sound too appetizing, the bread ended up being DEElishus! We had two loaves on the largest of our cookie sheets, and all agreed that it was the best ever. My husband even asked how much better cost-wise it was to make this bread rather than buying sliced loaves at the grocery. The highest of compliments. The only changes I made in the recipe were to use brown sugar in place of the turbinado they used, and I also mixed in margarine instead of oil, just because we were out of the oil. And from the reviews the bread has gotten at the site, substitutions wear well with it. Wonderful all around.

Without further ado, the link is here!

(this photo is from the recipe site, and our two loaves looked, pretty much, like this...flatter than loaf bread, and a bit spread out)