Sunday, April 26, 2009

Update on rant

For your prayers and encouragement, thanks. Now let me tell you about God's sense of humor. I'd gotten up early-early this morning, and went back to bed when the rest of the house began moving about---at around 8:30am. I turned off my cell phone and nodded off. When I woke up later on, turned it back on and there was a voice message from my neighbor. Turns out she lost the paperwork regarding her doctor's visit for tomorrow and said I'd not have to babysit.

I just laughed. Like last week, when I hesitated about helping her, she went ahead and made different plans, and God provided a day out for the kids and me---kite flying. Tomorrow we'll go to the library.

He loves me, but I don't always get how much, nor do I understand the gentleness He wants to show me. This sort of circumstance is bringing that home. Must be I need to learn this.

Again, thanks.