Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Computer cuteness

Blue Mountain cards allows you to join their website free, and access the prettiest/cutest calendar wallpapers. Here's my current one. Figures!

Last day of September

Another chilly Fall morning with the temperature at around 54 degrees. Pugs at my feet, excited to be alive (I could learn from their sweet attitudes), and wanting me to let them out again to play. Violet is raised up on my legs, bumping me to get up from here. She can be pretty persistent.

The plan today is to STAY HOME! Got lots of tidying done yesterday, and hope to do more today. The snap in the air just encourages me to want to do something. Still have windows to caulk (yawn) and need to finish before it really gets cold. Need to set a deadline, 'cause that's how I got the front painting done. The goal was to finish that before the end of September. Voila!

Must go put on my tea. The house continues to sleep. One son admitted to feeling sick last night, so it'll be interesting to see how that plays out. Husband doesn't have to leave early-early today, and oldest daughter is off today. Two boys cut the grass yesterday, including cutting down the black-eyed Susans which had dried up, so the yard is all trim and tidy. I love that. They'll have more yardwork to do for neighbors depending on how the sick one feels. The rest of the kids are fine, and we'll have school, but plenty of play outside besides. A restful day, perhaps?

Whatever goes on, God is blessing and I'm going to be thankful.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New blog frock

Yeah, I'm compulsive about decorating this blog. The things I find are just way too irresistible. Have never done a dark background, but in honor of Fall, this is what's tickling my fancy!

And, btw, thanks so much for the sweet comments about our pink door. I do appreciate it. :)

Pink door!

It's funny, but no, I didn't paint the wooden front doors pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. :) Could've though. I know it's bright, but with the dark chocolate brown iron doors, along with the freshly painted black shutters, I'm thinking it's surprising and fun. Why not, you know?

Book review, part two

You can see my review of Donald Miller's book below, and considering that blogging reviewers have a limited amount of words to use (they suggest 200 or less, but I went over a tad), it's often hard to fit it all in. I wanted to add this----from my reading reviews, I find it interesting to see how impressed others were with this book. And the enthusiasm of the publisher was curious to note as well. Well, they want to sell books, so that shouldn't surprise me.

From what I read at Amazon, the emergent church is well behind this guy. I found this out after the fact. And considering my feelings for that movement (negative), it's no wonder that I wasn't overwhelmed with this book. I'm thinking they want it to be the next best-seller like The Shack (double negative). That book was put out by a different publisher, but I think the anticipation of its success is similar.

I like books that inspire me and give me a rush. Like most folks, I enjoy being stirred up, but this book didn't do it. I felt like a person who was kicking their feet around, waiting for a bus. That's how slow it appeared to go for me, and I'm a patient person. For me to get a bit bored with a book is a rarity. But it happened.

On the flip-side, a friend who I gave an extra copy to (yes, the publishers gave out 2 copies of this book to reviewers---that in itself is indicative of how they want this one to fly) absolutely loved it. You just never know.

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller

The main thought that came to mind as I read A Million Miles in a Thousand Years is that Donald Miller must be a really nice guy. He writes from the heart and wants his life to matter. And while I thought the book started out slow, maybe that's the way it needed to be. Honestly, to savor our days and get as much out of them as possible, we have to reduce our speed. And Donald Miller's main objective in the book is to encourage the reader to make special moments, to eat life. I get it.

At the same time I get the impression that I'm *supposed* to like this book. It didn't wow me, and I did enjoy it, but it's not like I couldn't wait to pick it up again. I've read other reviews where folks used enthusiastic adjectives to describe it. Yes, it was thought-provoking, but not the book of the century. Inspiring, but simply so.

Or maybe reading the brief biography of Miller on the dust jacket put me off. To find him working on a task force of the President's was a bit disheartening. Seems our current leader has his name draped all over the place, even inside the cover of a seemingly unrelated book. For me, that made a deep impression.

I'm a member of Thomas Nelson's blogger book review program and more information can be found at their website.

Monday, September 28, 2009

I need to get rid of some tension, it seems. When I get overworked, the stress builds up and then I over-react when stuff happens. Just read an email that bothered me, and was telling my husband about it. He asked why I was getting so worked up. Then I got frustrated at not being able to get my point across without sounding like a crazy woman.

Hate it when that happens. I know what I mean, but must

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday night

Going to take deep breaths this week. My shoulders are tense, and there's really no cause for it. Well, mothering can be a bit hectic and stressful (an understatement), and maybe that's it. Not sure. Life is good. Husband has lots of work to build (God is so faithful) and the bills are, once again, paid for now. Have grocery money and everyone is well.

Still, my husband says that if there's not something obvious to fret over, I'll look until I find something. Meanie. ;)

Guess I tend to feel like very few jobs around the house get finished. Oh, I lie. We did get the painting done on the outside of the house that I wanted to do. Shutters I already mentioned, and the doors as well. So spiffy. Will take photos tomorrow in the sunshine. I truly love the way it all looks. Hope to get the boys in gear to finish the re-caulking on the front of the house this week. It's too time-consuming for me to do all of it, and they need to learn. Lots of our neighbors have gotten new windows, but I'm so partial to the old, wooden sashes and mullions. A mess to re-paint, but charming anyway. Old windows might not raise easily, but they gain in visual appeal.

Must go settle in now. Every night I get into bed exhausted and so thankful when the days pass without any major happenings. I never take that for granted. The Lord continues to amaze me in how He protects our family. We are so blessed.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Scattered thoughts

  • repeatedly listening to the Backstreet Boys newest song, Straight Through My Heart
  • finished painting the shutters black today---pretty classy against the white siding
  • wish the doors were done as well
  • feeling a bit skitzy and needful of quiet
  • seems if I was so desiring of quiet I'd turn off the tunes, eh?
  • wish I had a good book to read
  • read 'em all
  • hoping I can get to sleep quickly without having to concentrate on it---been tough lately
  • glad my husband is content today---the pressure of being a dad to eight and the sole provider can be a burden
  • really need to take some deep breaths and let go a bit
  • I stay in a mode of constant attention, waiting for the other shoe to drop
  • am way too cautious
  • a hard habit to break, but am working on that
Must be off to get ready for bed. Just overtired. Going to turn off my head and relax.
Shutters painted black. Classy against the white siding. I love that look---very cottage-like.


Up with dogs this morning (what else is new?), and might wander back to bed in a minute. Or doze on the sofa in the living room for a bit. When the kids get up, the Pugs go ballistic for just a minute---excited at one more person to jump on. Gets a bit noisy when everyone's trying to rest. Pays to have one person up to calm them down. Usually they pass out in a morning nap after awhile. Two of the boys are already up and around, drinking coffee and making a tiny bit of noise. The main challenge in this house (besides keeping it picked up) is finding a place and time to be alone. I'm thinking the middle of the night is the only spot empty. ;)

Well, the weather report today looks like the skies will be clearing. That's a huge relief. Might get some outside work done after all. Considering taking before/after pictures of the house outside with the painting work we'll do (sounding optimistic). Might be fun.

I hope the weekend can be low-key. Yeah, Gary and our oldest will be doing car/truck work, but I do absolutely LOVE it when everyone's home, no matter if they're really busy. Settles my heart. Just to have them all here does me good.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday night

I'm tired! The son I took for his written/computer driving test passed and has the driving part to do on Oct. 5th. Yay him! You can't take them the same day (used to), and I've already asked my husband to take him for that. Too nerve-wracking for me. The odd thing is that this driver's license location has really tight parking. Not smart, is it? Or maybe it's brilliant. All they have to test as far as the driving part is whether the student can actually get out of one of the parking spaces. Just kidding. But still, it made me wonder. There I was having to do contortions in order to back in my Suburban and everyone else was having the issue.

Oh well.

Hoping to do some painting on the house tomorrow IF the rain truly stops. It's been about 2 weeks or more of constant rain/drizzle. It's been wonderful, but with the algae growing in the flowerbeds and on the house siding, it seems to be enough. If I get it done (with help), the shutters will, once again, be black---the outer iron doors a dark, chocolate brown and the wooden doors a deep pink. The pink is a big ambitious, but Gary says to just have fun with it. Not many husbands would encourage their wives to paint the outside doors pink, now, would they?!!

Groceries were bought before dinner tonight, and husband has to work on my truck tomorrow. The brakes acted up on our way home this morning, and he was able to get the parts this evening. Glad he's handy that way. Real glad. Saves us a bundle. And oldest son will have to replace his car starter too. A busy weekend, hmmm?

There's work in the shop and the major bills are paid. God continues to supply our needs, and for that, I'm hugely grateful. Now will go to bed. Brain's scrambled.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today the kids went to my mom's for lunch and afters and I had the afternoon ALONE. First time in forever. I spent it eating a Greek Salad Wrap from Fresh Market (very toothsome), while I read my book and took huge whiffs of my chocolate candle. Followed by a Chai of yumminess. Assorted dogs lounged around the room, while the weather continued to tease with a suggestion of rain. Then, when it was time to go get the kids, I had to make a stop at the drugstore, and found the Thanksgiving issue of Romantic Homes. About to pick it up and tempt myself.

Can't hardly stand it.

Tomorrow will be busy enough with taking a son to do the written/computer part of his driving test (makes me nervous for him, but getting worked up is a talent I have), plus a grocery store run for the weekend's supplies. After that, I think a nap will be in order.


I totally love this film clip and the song. Just bought the MP3 on Amazon. The one from the movie is the one by Tango Project. Loveliness. :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Schoolwork this morning, then took one son to buy a mower for his and his brother's lawn business. They've had just about enough of cutting other folks yards, though, and will call it quits when the grass quits growing this Fall. After that, we went to the grocery store. I'm good for supplies for a couple of days more. That's a settling thought in itself, you know?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A good day and cake too!

(Update about cake mentioned sure to chill well at least a few hours before eating. Makes it much better.)

Feeling better today from whatever got into me over the weekend. I think it was plain old stress. Seems I'm vulnerable in that regard.

Anyway, after sleeping in a bit this morning, we had school and then I tidied up the kitchen and living room. Just puttering around, thinking about Fall, and lighting some candles. I'd not vacuumed in a few days, and with continually shedding Pugs, there was plenty to get up. :) Then, joy of joys, Molly came by to drop something off. I knew she was coming, but still, it was fun to anticipate. You know, I've prayed for girlfriends to appear in my life, but with little time to acquire them and not much enthusiasm to join women's groups, it's been a total surprise and gift to have Molly around again. We've definitely picked up where we left off in junior high. Only God would dream up that!

So, after a good and simple dinner, the least one and I put a Tres Leche cake in the oven. My sweet friend, Sandy, has a recipe for it as well, but hers is with a bought cake mix. Since I rarely have a box in the house, this scratch one worked just fine. Well, so far, so good. It's still baking, so we'll have to see how well it turns out. Originally, I'd planned on using Alton Brown's recipe from Food Network, but since he measures out his flour rather than using cups, I had to hunt down a different recipe. I'm using half and half (as he does) for the plain milk for the pour over frosting too (that consists of one can of evaporated milk, one can of sweetened condensed milk, and one cup of half and half). Does that sound amazing, or what?

Looking forward to it! 'Course I'd be happy with a spoon and just the opened can of sweetened condensed milk. I'd call that dessert. ;)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Reviewing Pomegranates

Finished Traveling with Pomegranates Saturday night, and I'll warn you---it is a deep-thinking sort of book. I jotted down so many quotes, and the theme of the book really got to me. But, at the same time, it's probably more difficult for me to tackle this book right now. Too introspective for my present mood. Maybe too on target? Right this very minute, I'm craving a book that doesn't require me to think, you know? Have had a headache for a few days, so maybe I've chosen poorly.

Anyway, I will say that I don't always agree with Sue Monk Kidd's theology. She takes more of a feminist roll in how she views God and things to do with Him. I'm pretty traditional. In the book, she goes in search of the biblical Virgin Mary, and finds solace in certain icons and traditions in Greece, in particular. While I can understand the attraction to some things Catholic (though I believe she was raised Protestant as well), it doesn't happen to be where my head naturally goes, so someone more into that way of believing will be more comfortable with her book, at least that part of it.

Another thing, and this is minor to most of the world, perhaps, but significant to me. When the writers in the book refer to ancient dates, they use BCE rather than BC or AD. Yeah, I've read what it means, but still, I find it mildly offensive. BC stands for 'before Christ' or 'before Messiah' and AD is 'Anno Domini', which means 'in the year of our Lord'. The 'C' in BCE stand for 'current' or common'. Not interested in making things comfortable for all faiths. Just not. I figure if we continue to take God's name out of the most common usage, it's just a matter of time before He's not allowed in anywhere.

My, can't I rant?!!

But the parts about her getting older, and comparing herself to her daughter's awakening, so to on.

Rosamunde Pilcher chatter

Dug out a book from my shelves, Love Stories, and re-read the introduction by Rosamunde Pilcher first. Such a cozy book, and her writing and any that's similar is always choice (btw, the stories in the book are by other authors, but are dishy as well). Anyway, while I was online and hunting out an image of the book to use on my sidebar, I found a site for short story writers. Mrs. Pilcher writes a tiny bit about short story writing on their homepage. Seems there's a rumor that she'll have a new story there too in the near future. Here's hoping!

(...and contrary to popular belief, this really isn't a book blog, though I might be leading folks astray!)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A quiet weekend for me

What began to be what sounded like a very busy weekend, has ended up being very quiet. Ahhh. Can you hear me sigh? While my mom would rather I'd get out of the house more, and be more active in the world, I'm so very content here. While getting out and about is good for my senses, there's just something about puttering around and setting the house to rights that soothes my heart.

So, tonight one son will cook-out hamburgers, I'll bake French fries and we'll just chill out. My thoughts are filled the Sue Monk Kidd book (Traveling with Pomegranates), and I'm enjoying time to sift through what I think about it. I've not paused long enough in ages and allowed myself to think a complete thought. Deep breaths.

Will likely take tomorrow off from online-ness. So will see all of you on Monday. Enjoy your weekends!

(just popped in long enough to upload this new template!)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Traveling with Pomegranates

Have begun reading Sue Monk Kidd's newest book, Traveling with Pomegranates, written with her daughter, Ann, and am blown away. Very timely for me. She speaks of a journey the two of them took about 10 years or so, when her daughter was 22 and Sue was about to turn 50. The clicker is that my oldest daughter is to turn 22 this Fall, and I'm already 50. Lots of similarities just in those two facts....things that would register for many mothers moving into an unfamiliar region of their own lives and reflected on what their daughters have yet to experience.

This quote made me cry:

"My children have always existed at the deepest center of me, right there in the heart/hearth, but I struggled with the powerful demands of motherhood, chafing sometimes at the way they pulled me away from my separate life, not knowing how to balance them with my unwieldy need for solitude and creative expression."

Even now, I sit here after midnight, and being that I'm never on the computer this late, I feel the tug of rebellion. Like this isn't where I should be, rather I ought to be in my routine. Bed. But I had to write, so here I sit. Now I've got that tiny bit of wording off my chest and can rest. Not sure if I can put the book down yet, or not, though.

Am all stirred up. But in a good way, like a dam has finally opened up a bit to let out some of this tension I've been feeling.

Kinda sorta a restful day

Listening to the Pugs groom one another (those wrinkles can be a pain to keep clean), the clocks tick, and the ceiling fans whir. I'm about to take a nap, not that it seems I should need it. Here lately, sleep appears to be the chief need of my body. Seems I can't ever feel rested enough.

Anyway, the chili is simmering for dinner, and I might crack open Rosamunde Pilcher's September for the umpteenth re-read. It's time. I'm not quite in an Autumn sort of mood, but am working on it. Need to take out Susan Branch's Autumn book from the bookcase as well. Got a whiff of the net bags of cinnamon pine cones at Fresh Market, but didn't indulge. But did get new cool reading glasses at Michael's (best deal in town---50% off coupon, but only $2.99 anyway...I'd describe them fully, but need to be wearing another pair of glasses in order to see the details on them...ha!) and a new grapevine wreath for one of the outside doors ($1.99 for that).

Maybe when the outside doors are painted and I can put up my door decorations---maybe then I'll start feeling festive. But for now, will just take care of that nap.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More on this morning's post

....and the end result is that I feel sort of like a stinky mother. Like I've not been paying attention to certain signs. I tell the kids that it's nearly impossible to be aware of everything that comes up in their lives, being that there are so many of them. I don't apologize for it, either. It's just the way things are.

I feel that I let them off too easily, and though the work load around here isn't equal to my abilities, I hesitate to ask for help, wanting instead for them to be able to read my mind.


So this afternoon my mind wants to play catch-up and do all sorts of things that this tired old body isn't up for. Must be the guilt talking. Then I just sigh. Sometimes I think our children believe we have all of this experience of parenting, and that our minds are all settled and at rest. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. I only have experience of being a parent by trial and error. Many times it seems that the errors, pretty much, outweigh the pluses.

Guess I needed to get some things off my chest, eh?

Mental fatigue

Brain's all mush this morning. Had an unscheduled chat last night (late, late) with one of our teenaged sons and it left me whupped. He's a deep thinker, much more than I'd previously thought, and the things he goodness. He's into ethics and I'm more of a lite thinker, I guess.

It was much easier when the kids were silly and small, before the world got to them and infected their thoughts. Didn't know how good I had it when all I had to think of was whether there were diapers available and who was teething when. The exhaustion was a given, but my head wasn't taxed so heavily.

I'm proud of this son, but if I could give him one piece of advice it'd be simply to lighten up. Life shouldn't have to be such a burden. Guess that's a learned attitude too.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The [expanded] Bible

Being that I'm a word junkie, I enjoyed reading/working with the new study Bible published by Thomas Nelson, called 'New Testament, The [expanded] Bible'. It's like having a thesaurus and dictionary at the reader's fingertips. But, I noticed early on that the language used is simplistic and seems to direct itself to those with a very basic vocabulary. Then I did some research and found that the New Century Version is a translation intentionally created to be easily read, specifically by those who are deaf and might have trouble understanding words and phrases that are not meant to be taken literally. That's a shaky concept to take on when studying the Bible.

On the plus side, this study Bible is well-constructed, with paper heavier than a standard Bible with an attractive font used. I'd hesitate buying it for an advanced scholar, instead giving it to one who was new to God's word, more in line to be read with the 'The Living Bible' or 'The Message Bible'. It definitely has a place in my library, and will get much use. But taken alone as a study tool, for a serious Bible student, something more precise would be preferred.

I'm a member of Thomas Nelson's blogger book review program and more information can be found at their website.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My afternoon's getaway

Where I ate lunch on Monday afternoon. Wonderfulness. :) Molly was the perfect hostess, and I absolutely loved it. So cool to be in touch, once again, with someone I first met in seventh grade.

And her house was a treat! It was a cloudy, rainy day so I had to switch between my flash and not using it, so the rooms looked darker than in real life. But, my goodness, decorated so pretty. No surprise there. Molly has the touch.

(...many thanks to Kim who helped me to tweak the photo so's it doesn't look dark anymore. Much better!)

My snarky self

Afraid I snapped at my husband this morning, who was being sweet, and regretted it instantly. I got up early and let the Pugs out (raining and had to shove the little beggars out the door), then Gary got up. He planned to get to the shop early, but didn't need a wife biting his head off. Explained (after apologizing) that mornings are my only minutes for *alone* time. He got it. He was nice about it, but it doesn't change the fact that I was a stinker.

Then I looked out and saw that one of our neighbors was already moving about, shades up, and one of her daughters honking her horn repeatedly to get someone to the door. Brother. Is it so hard to get out of the car (had stopped raining at this point), walk up to the door and knock? Guess so.

My problem is that I have practically no time to call my own. The kids wake up earlier and earlier (I should be proud of their attitudes, I guess) and as a result, I have to get it in gear sooner as well.

It's interesting too. Folks will talk about how in the olden days, people sat out on their front porches to pass the time. My problem is that now one of our neighbors (same as above) has hoards (and I don't exaggerate) of family members who congregate on their front porch sometimes from dawn until dusk. I like them, but can't they go inside sometimes? Makes it hard to do any gardening in peace with them coming and going all the time. Sometimes I want to putter by myself, you know?

Oh my, I'm on a roll, aren't I? Must set aside some time for myself this week that's not intended for nap-time. Sometimes a person needs to be alone and awake at the same moment.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A cloudy Sunday morning

Feeling slightly off-kilter, like life is whizzing by way too quickly and I can't catch up. There seems to be too much activity surrounding me and I'm feeling dragged by my arms, while I'm digging in my feet. Every day here has its own busyness, and it's making my head spin. That's the end result of having lots of kids, and as they get older, things that they want to do. Guess it got to me last. I know of folks who have children involved in lessons and games outside the home that's filled their lives with lots of action. It's just not my cup of tea.

My husband and I joke that if it'd been left to me, I'd still have a rotary house phone, would be using the monster of an ancient computer and not a laptop, would never had thought to have cable hooked up and would be mixing cakes by hand---forget the stand mixer. I'm not too advanced, I guess. And it's not that I'm allergic to change. I just seem to be content with less. The people I live with love progress, and new gadgets cause them to get giddy. Me? Give me a new magazine and I'm happy.

I still remember our electricity going out as a result of a wind storm several Summers ago. The memory of standing by the kitchen sink with the window open, while I planned dinner stands out. The house was dead quiet, without that buzz that the electricity gives the air (you know what I mean---it's not audible, but still there) the silence was totally soothing. A rarity. Even slow days here are usually a bit noisy.

After the kids come back from their church-related outings this morning (and we all went to services last night), I hope everyone can get cozy and enjoy some down time. I think we all need it, or maybe I do and just want everyone to feel the same. Sort of like how a mom will be cold and then will put sweaters on everyone else. That's me today. ;)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cats and kittens

Wanted to thank all of you for your comments regarding the cat/kitten rescue situation. I've thought about it from every angle I can think of and I'm against the spay/neuter, voting instead for euth@anizing them. I know it's not popular, but I can't get my head around taking them for surgery and shots and then re-releasing them again to fend for themselves. Just sounds counter-productive to me. Keeping every animal alive should never be the ultimate result. Besides, if they can't find enough food that folks set out, they'll go for the small animals. I prefer wild birds anytime over wild cats. Raided nests aren't pleasant for anyone to have to deal with.

As the situation stands, I talked to my friend about it (she's the one who wants me to feed them before/after they're caught), and she sort of backed down. I didn't convince her of what I thought, but she's out of town and part of her doesn't want to have to deal with it long distance.

It's not a perfect situation and it never will be. As it is, I neglected to feed them for 2 days while the city tree trimmers were in our backyards, and the cats have wandered off. Considering how well they were fed recently by my friend, however, they'll likely be back.

Thanks again!


Overcast this morning, with a hint of dampness in the air. The weather map doesn't show any clouds, but they're there. And my head aches slightly and that tends to be the best forecaster I know. Would love, absolutely love a rainy weekend. After our first week of school, a birthday, and general busyness, some forced in-house-ness would be a treat.

Husband and I have a movie to watch tonight anyway---Robert Downey, Jr.'s 'The Soloist'. I'm a fan of Downey anyhow, who wouldn't be?, so that will be fun. He's a cutie....maybe has a challenging/difficult life in real time, but I do enjoy his acting.

I'm having a bit of a challenge myself. Would like your responses. Have been asked to feed 4 feral cats that are in a neighbor's yard while she looks for a renter. The cats are one mom and 3 kittens, now almost full-grown. Her plan is to trap them, get them neutered/spayed, then put them back in the neighborhood. I'm not a fan of wild cats, and while they do hunt (good and bad), I don't see the logic of doing the surgeries and then just putting homeless cats back on the street. Opinions? I really would like to hear what other folks have to say. Really.

Now off to have my tea. Have to wake the woodworker in a minute for him to go finish painting a cabinet. I'm gonna chill.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday afternoon

About to cook the chicken for sandwiches that'll be for dinner. Yeast rolls to mix. Pasta salad to make. German chocolate frosting to make for a two-layer chocolate cake. One son turned 16 today, and it's been a wonderfully low-key day.....but I do feel vaguely behind. Had stopped at the library pick up the book that was on hold, Julia Child's 'My Life in France' and have already dipped into it. Good stuff. Interesting, though, that Julia Powell's 'Julie and Julia' is on a LONG waiting list, but I only had to wait for one person to return the France book. Curious as to what drives folks to put a book on hold. And you'd think that Julia Child's book would be on a long wait list too. Least I did. But what do I know?

In a few minutes, after the afternoon's t.v. watching is over (Arthur is a family favorite), we'll vacuum, tidy and wipe up the house. My mom will be here for dinner, and this daughter is always intimidated enough to make a good impression. Do children ever outgrow the need to impress their parents? I think not. ;)

Must be off now. My nap made me feel the slightest bit punchy (and it probably shows), and I need to move around a bit.
  • One son's sixteenth birthday today
  • School this morning, but that's all
  • Time alone a necessity, but harder to come by lately
  • Stop off at library to pick up Julia Child's book My Life in France that's on hold for me

Thursday, September 10, 2009

News site

Great new site....called Big Government. That's all I'll say. Pretty incredible stuff.

...around the house

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The plan was to get to sleep earlier than usual last night, only to be disturbed by a banging from outside at around midnight. Only the boyfriend of the girl across the street trying to kick in the door. Ain't life grand? They quieted down after a bit, I closed my eyes and my husband began to read again. Pause. More noise. Boyfriend chases girl around yard and around SUV. Husband puts on street clothes and begins to go outside. Drama stops before husband leaves house and the kids end up going back inside. Husband settles with his book again. Pause. More banging. This time the boyfriend succeeds in kicking in the wooden door. Joy. Police come, put handcuffs on boyfriend, drive off with him and sleep finally comes to our house at around 2am.

And you know what the presiding thought in my head while this nonsense was going on? The young man's dad who I've seen across the street, helping cut the grass. The thought of a 'middle-of-the-night' call from the police station must be awful.

Life's tough.

Regardless, today was a good day. School went well and a 2 hour nap this afternoon put paid to my exhaustion. I just find it so amazing how the lives other folks live out can impact one person. There really is a trickle down effect going on.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First day of school

A busy morning. Had figured to sort school books yesterday, but the older kids high-jacked me to go the fair with them. Good call on their part. ;) Had lots of fun and had company for dessert after dinner. Man, were we tired. Honestly, I'm not used to the socializing that I've been participating in lately, but it's all been good. Have enjoyed it just being *us* here at the house today though. No unexpected phone calls and just a steady time to work. I do love being able to finish what I start.

Continuing to have a challenging time with a neighbor who I've mentioned before who calls to complain about her life, and that almost daily. Thought I had this situation settled, but obviously the joke's on me. I'm her dumping ground, and while I want to be a good witness for Christ, I have to admit to being tempted to set the phone on the table and walk away for a break. Not sure she'd even know I'd not heard her complete conversation. She talks that much. Told my husband that I toss between wanting to be a friend, but feeling taken advantage of. Not sure where I'm supposed to draw the line, not really knowing what's expected of me by either this person or the Lord. There's some gray area that's confusing me. Am at the point of drawing her attention to the course of these chats. Not sure it's doing her any good to fuss to me, and don't think I should be privy to what she shares. Frustrating, and a worn-out blogging topic to boot.

But, if the rest of the day goes my way, maybe the phone will be silent. Maybe. I have vacuuming to do, a bed to make, yeast roll dough to mix, kids to remind about chores, and myself to get tidy. That should fill the rest of the afternoon, and I think that's enough.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

First day of the week

The quiet before the bustle of the house getting up. Here I sit at around 8:30am on Sunday morning, with only a ticking clock and snoozing dogs for company. The living/dining rooms and kitchen are still clean and pretty from company last night. Love that. We'd not had dinner guests in awhile, so yesterday I spent much of the afternoon straightening, vacuuming and all-around cleaning. So rewarding.

But today, with one son attending services at another church (in addition to where we go on Saturday nights), it seems each day of the week has its busyness. I've asked my husband if he's inclined to take Labor Day off tomorrow. I could see the wheels turning in his head. I think he's considering. After all, he worked yesterday, so I think he's due.

Looking forward to a slow day today. I have a book to read, and with the wonderful rain we unexpectedly had (didn't show on the weather radar) after dark last night, the air is cool and clean. The dust will be at bay today.

Now will go sit in the dim light of the living room and sniff my new candle (Mediterranean Fig). Enjoy your day!

Friday, September 4, 2009

My afternoon

Visited an historic cemetery with a girlfriend, and got these shots. It was opened in the 1850s and has Civil War soldiers and a special spot designated for Yellow Fever victims, among local politicians and prominent families . It's absolutely beautiful. But, then again, I do love graveyards.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Point of view

When we got to my mom's this morning, she had a huge grin on her face, and was excited to hear about my outing yesterday. Funny, but I'm always too low-key for her. I could almost visibly see her deflate when I shared. I don't tend to go on about stuff, usually just telling the highlights and then changing the subject. Maybe I don't like to talk about myself. Don't know. But I always get the impression that I let her down. She seems to want a more gregarious reaction from me, but rarely gets it. 'Course I could rev it up a notch, but that'd not be me. Did have a wonderful time, though. But experiencing it and sharing it are two different things.

When I told her about my lunch date with Tina that's tomorrow, plus getting together with Molly in a week or so, she said, "It's about time." Hmmmm. But she said it nicely. Still. A person wonders what's going on in the other's mind.

She needs a daughter who's as busy and excitable as she is, I guess.

Honestly, when I was a kid, it was a battle of wills between us. She wanted me to do things and be out and about. Any excuse for a get-together was good for her. Not that she's so 'out there'--but she does enjoy activities, even now at 80 years old. You'd never think she was that old. Even with being a widow for 16 years, she's going all the time. My mom, the woman who now paints her toenails and wears eyeshadow. What a switch from the mother of my youth. ;)

I'm happy at home. Let me putter around, clean the house so that it looks inviting, and I'm satisfied. An occasional trip to somewhere new is great, but as a steady diet, I'm quite content.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No news is good news

Time for another news black-out for me since this country is being run by a yutz. Not interested in being dragged through continual nonsense, and need to pay attention to the important things at home.

The way I see it, folks talk way too much as it is. Nobody's listening and if they are, the idea is that they're spending more of their time figuring out what they'll say in response, and aren't attending to the talker anyway. I say this in response to the world at large, and in a personal way as well.

That's what I think.

Wrankled? You betcha. And it feels goooooooooood.

A social butterfly

Got to see an old friend yesterday, and am so tickled to be in touch again. She and I met, way back when, in seventh grade, but have been running in different circles since then. Love it when you see someone you used to know, only to find that you can pick right up where you left off. Molly, if you're reading this---you know I'm talking about you! Can't wait to see you again, and hopefully make it a habit.

And today, oldest daughter and I are meeting another friend of mine, this one an online one I've been knowing for years. I hesitate calling her an online friend, though, since some friends, no matter how you meet them, are much more than that. Elaine and her bud, Andrea, are that to me (among others who will go nameless, who I've gotten close to online). Haven't ever seen Elaine in person, though, so this ought to be fun. We've talked on the phone a time or two, and she was a treat. Yes, I'm nervous and my hands are itchy (nothing new there), but excited at the same time.

And yet again, my friend, Tina, who lives in CA is in town for a week. Supposedly her flight got in last night. As a refresher to some of you, she's the sister of my close neighbor who died of ALS almost 2 years ago now. Tina is like a sister to me, (she lost both of her siblings the same year, but to different illnesses) and I can't wait to see her. No nerves there, since we got so close back in the days of ALS misery. She'll come for dinner this week, and hopefully, we can fit in more than that. She's so Zen-like friend, who's a strong believer in Christ, but being that she's taking on that California persona, her way of talking always cracks me up. She's a hippie throw-back, and in only the best way.

Well, need to have a bit of quiet before I get on with the day. The kids' alarm clocks are going off at different intervals and I'll soon be inundated. Desperately need to chill out some this week. With the media having conniptions over he@lth topics, it's easy to become a bit overdone myself. My goodness. If there's not a hot topic, they'll create one. I need a slow day in the country, and as a matter of fact, we all do. Now, must go.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My brain is tired. Tried to pick out the next book I want to read and my pile looks too hard. Might hunt down another children's book to get into. Not sure why I'm so drained (humming a repeating refrain), but I am.

As a pick-me-up will share this photo of Sam Elliott.