Saturday, September 26, 2009


Up with dogs this morning (what else is new?), and might wander back to bed in a minute. Or doze on the sofa in the living room for a bit. When the kids get up, the Pugs go ballistic for just a minute---excited at one more person to jump on. Gets a bit noisy when everyone's trying to rest. Pays to have one person up to calm them down. Usually they pass out in a morning nap after awhile. Two of the boys are already up and around, drinking coffee and making a tiny bit of noise. The main challenge in this house (besides keeping it picked up) is finding a place and time to be alone. I'm thinking the middle of the night is the only spot empty. ;)

Well, the weather report today looks like the skies will be clearing. That's a huge relief. Might get some outside work done after all. Considering taking before/after pictures of the house outside with the painting work we'll do (sounding optimistic). Might be fun.

I hope the weekend can be low-key. Yeah, Gary and our oldest will be doing car/truck work, but I do absolutely LOVE it when everyone's home, no matter if they're really busy. Settles my heart. Just to have them all here does me good.