Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday afternoon

About to cook the chicken for sandwiches that'll be for dinner. Yeast rolls to mix. Pasta salad to make. German chocolate frosting to make for a two-layer chocolate cake. One son turned 16 today, and it's been a wonderfully low-key day.....but I do feel vaguely behind. Had stopped at the library pick up the book that was on hold, Julia Child's 'My Life in France' and have already dipped into it. Good stuff. Interesting, though, that Julia Powell's 'Julie and Julia' is on a LONG waiting list, but I only had to wait for one person to return the France book. Curious as to what drives folks to put a book on hold. And you'd think that Julia Child's book would be on a long wait list too. Least I did. But what do I know?

In a few minutes, after the afternoon's t.v. watching is over (Arthur is a family favorite), we'll vacuum, tidy and wipe up the house. My mom will be here for dinner, and this daughter is always intimidated enough to make a good impression. Do children ever outgrow the need to impress their parents? I think not. ;)

Must be off now. My nap made me feel the slightest bit punchy (and it probably shows), and I need to move around a bit.